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Classical Music Favourites

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Aye I can imagine boofon sitting back in his drawing room, smoking jaikit, cravat, glass of 1981 red wine, and classical music on in the background, cigar in hand.


Pretending he's Erchie.


Whilst in reality he's a miserable cunt who wishes he had some real mates he could go out with and have a pint like common people do.



You imagine quite well. Listen to it quite a lot. Don't bother with the cigar however. Smoking is a mug's game.

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I do like the odd bit of classical music now and again, but I know absolutely feck all when it comes to the composers and names of symphonies etc., so I just bit the bullet, went down the lowest common denominator route and bought one of these CDs:





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I do like the odd bit of classical music now and again, but I know absolutely feck all when it comes to the composers and names of symphonies etc., so I just bit the bullet, went down the lowest common denominator route and bought one of these CDs:






FFS, that's far too simple for Millertime. Anything he takes a passing interest in has to involve starting a thread on here and some obscure purchases from Ebay, boring the tits off all of us in the process.




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