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Our Club Are Complete Idiots!

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Ok so the Third kit aint supposed to be out for a while BUT in the pictures of the U-19's in Portugal at the Leonardo Da Vinci training camp there is a photo with the U-19's wearing a Black kit which i am 95% certain is our new third kit!

Do not beat me up please if i am wrong :thumbup1: but when i was shown the kits months ago this one popped into my head when i saw these photos. Bit of doofus PR from the club!

i looked on club shop and there is no training kits like these so it surely must be them!?








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Ok so the Third kit aint supposed to be out for a while BUT in the pictures of the U-19's in Portugal at the Leonardo Da Vinci training camp there is a photo with the U-19's wearing a Black kit which i am 95% certain is our new third kit!

Do not beat me up please if i am wrong :thumbup1: but when i was shown the kits months ago this one popped into my head when i saw these photos. Bit of doofus PR from the club!

i looked on club shop and there is no training kits like these so it surely must be them!?









You've assumed the same as me, see the keeper on trial thread...

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You still lurking about you unpopular fat tosser.


Do the world and your made up wife a favour and go outside immediately and kill yourself.


Evening blimp.


Popular for a fat kid, are you? Doubt it, your only mates are pringles crisps and a jizz stained copy of attitude magazine.

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I would bet on the lives of every member of my family that i'm more popular than a dickhead like you.


A total bellend who thrives on being a w*nker day in day out, its a pretty safe bet. Even if i had only one mate i would still have won.


You stick to wearing personalized fitba tops and getting a boner everytime you get to wind some c**t up, i'll stick to being a great guy with perverted views on certain subjects.


Subjects like..... Hhhhhhhmmmm.... hunky buffed up males?

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I can't understand the constant need of some people to find "evidence" HOWEVER tenious that the club are run by incompetents from top to bottom. Seems to give some people immense satisfaction.


What exactly is the issue if the club inadvertantly featured an as yet officially unreleased strip in some photo's on the website? (supposing they even have done this)


If you want to look for evidence the "club" are all idiots there's plenty of real criticism that can thrown at them without this pap.

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All this unveiling nonsense is just that, nonsense.


Who gives a f**k what the top looks like?


Who gives a sh*t when it's 'meant' to come out?


Adidas are the only ones who might be concerned. They're corporate, so f**k them.


It's a black third top. We had one last year. It's the same as the red one except it's black. Which is what happens every year. Maybe they add a few stripes or whatever, whoopee f**king doo, it's 'different'.


Only children care about it. And the Adidas hoors know this, loon's tops are an incredible price, barely cheaper than adults, scandalous.


There is no way on earth a strip for anyone under 10 should cost

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All this unveiling nonsense is just that, nonsense.


Who gives a f**k what the top looks like?


Who gives a sh*t when it's 'meant' to come out?


Adidas are the only ones who might be concerned. They're corporate, so f**k them.


It's a black third top. We had one last year. It's the same as the red one except it's black. Which is what happens every year. Maybe they add a few stripes or whatever, whoopee f**king doo, it's 'different'.


Only children care about it. And the Adidas hoors know this, loon's tops are an incredible price, barely cheaper than adults, scandalous.


There is no way on earth a strip for anyone under 10 should cost

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No, it does not matter at all.


Adidas will of course be 'concerned', some suit will be mock offended, as they love this cards close to the chest style cloak and dagger stuff. It creates exactly the sort of hysteria seen on here, which leads to huge sales once they finally 'unveil' it.


To say I find all that underwhelming would be an understatement.


Back in the 80's you'd get a new top every three years or so, and nobody gave a damn about it, we never even had a sponsor FFS. I have all the tops from that era, they were far better material, and much cheaper, even if you index the cost.


The only people this kind of drama suits are the corporates, the strip manufacturers, looking to part you from your hard earned pound.


If you don't care about them, and who in their right mind would, you should not be concerning yourself with this.

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I buy me loon the home and away normally....thats it.


we should have a reed home, white away


Yes, no need for a third strip, teams dinna need three different kits, simple as that.


Nobody ever questions these things, they just buy their spoilt little b*stards the whole lot and be done with it.

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