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Tudor Engalnd


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nae being a bookish geeky sort, i never really read as a teenager so didnt know much about the early modern era.


however, having watched the tudors on dvd, i find it quite fascinating now.

the architecture, the battles, society and court, and how this period in britian ties in with other countries and famous figures.


isnt history wonderful?


i reckon i would have made a good tudor lord.

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You've spelled both England and Britain wrong. Staggering, for such a guff lover as yourself.


Howvere, dylsexai knows no bodrers.


All the Man U players live in mock Tudor mansions, that's how it caught your fly-like attention span.



mock tudor, huh?

surely you mean tudorbethan.

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i thought you were really brainy though? :dontknow:


so youre nae into history then?


Not English history, unless it's in connection with them getting killed by us.


I couldna give two f**ks about the Tudors, or Oliver Cromwell, or Morris Dancing or any of those other twee guff concerns.

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Not English history, unless it's in connection with them getting killed by us.


I couldna give two f**ks about the Tudors, or Oliver Cromwell, or Morris Dancing or any of those other twee guff concerns.



oh aye , i forgot scotland was totally seperate and in no way whatsoever related to tudor history.

tup, your an ignorant buffoon.

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Nah just get YOUR spelling and punctuation right first time. Makes you less like a mong when YOU'RE trying to be clever.



not so.


my post took me about 3 seconds to type.

then i clicked add reply.


i'm not going to waste my time spell checking just to please pedantic grammer police like yourself.

internet forum posting is sad enough without spending time editing and correcting mistakes.


i'll happily look like a mong.

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There's no Tudor houses or crisps in Scotland last I checked bluto you havering c**t.


Bluto likes the males in tu-tus, the handlebar moustaches, the winkle pickers, the 'jousting' (posh English word for wanking each other off) and the whole jolly hockey sticks atmosphere about the Tudor period, and England as a country before and since, Morris Dancing and all that jazz, spiffing stuff, old chaps.


I've no interest in English history unless their blood was getting spilled at our hands.

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There's no Tudor houses or crisps in Scotland last I checked bluto you havering c**t.


Bluto likes the males in tu-tus, the handlebar moustaches, the winkle pickers, the 'jousting' (posh English word for wanking each other off) and the whole jolly hockey sticks atmosphere about the Tudor period, and England as a country before and since, Morris Dancing and all that jazz, spiffing stuff, old chaps.


I've no interest in English history unless their blood was getting spilled at our hands.


tup yopu have no interest in anything other than you life as a parocial highland crofter.


you are aware that mary queen of scots was a tudor, right?

no, course not.

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tup yopu have no interest in anything other than you life as a parocial highland crofter.


you are aware that mary queen of scots was a tudor, right?

no, course not.


Royalty = no interest to me.


Blue bloods are all the same, plebs, who think they're above us mere mortals.


With an attitude like that, I'm hardly going to be enthused to follow their lineage and study their family history, am I?


They're all twats, that's all I need to know.


I prefer ordinary people, who show humility.

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Royalty = no interest to me.


Blue bloods are all the same, plebs, who think they're above us mere mortals.


With an attitude like that, I'm hardly going to be enthused to follow their lineage and study their family history, am I?


They're all twats, that's all I need to know.


I prefer ordinary people, who show humility.



f**k me tup.

this is 500 years ago.

you canna use the same im-a-man-of-the-people argument for that.

must do better. :nono:

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nae being a bookish geeky sort, i never really read as a teenager so didnt know much about the early modern era.


however, having watched the tudors on dvd, i find it quite fascinating now.

the architecture, the battles, society and court, and how this period in britian ties in with other countries and famous figures.


isnt history wonderful?


i reckon i would have made a good tudor lord.


The Tudors is The Sopranos in fancy dress, fanciful sh*te bearing only the merest of relationships with reality.


History is great though.

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Too high brow for you boof?


History can be fascinating esp such an important era as englands golden age.



Not at all and you're right it is a fascinating era. It says a lot that people like to imitate the style of tudor houses.


Not much call for Early Victorian slums.


Personally speaking I prefer the 1920's - 1930's Art Deco buildings.


Stunning examples in Miami and the furniture produced at that period is breathtaking.


There is a restaurant in Stonehaven of all places with an ace looking building. Carron restaurant.


I've bought a couple of pieces from this place for my bathroom.


Art Deco


The guy who owns it happens to be a big Spurs fan and when he was delivering the sideboard I bought we ended up chewing the fat over Spurs and Aberdeen while watching the Tottenam game online.


Anyway I'm going off tudor topic. Worst thing about the Tudor period to impact us in the modern day would have been the break away from the Church of England from the Roman Catholics.


The very first day of bigotry. :ThumbsDown:

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