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80Mph On Motorways


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I used to drive as fast as the car would go. But now my current car goes over 145 (that's as fast as I've had it and it was still accelerating) so now I usually stict to a sensible tonne. More so on rural roads.


Built up areas I crawl through just to eyes up the schoolgirls ladies.


Speed kills, slow down and stay alive. Late. But alive.

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cant see this affecting the majority of us in a good way. can see alot of streets being reduced to 20 compared to the relatively few number of opportunities where you can use the motorways.


its going to do my tits in. i dont mean to but i tend to cruise around 32-33 everywhere. having to go sub 20 is going to piss me right off

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I have a fairly powerful motor, yet as ive got older the compulsion to speed sort of leaves you, having the power is handy for passing and such like but becoming a dad and all that means ive calmed down a fair bit.


My insurance for my car is amazingly cheap also, got to put in the field work to get a good deal.

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