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The Official X-Factor Thread


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Hello, all X-Factor enthusiasts!


Who do we all want to win, then?


I want Sophie, Janet and Johnny to win, in that order.

Janet???!!!! No fucking way, completely overrated.


Sophie is nice but not strong enough to win.


I think it should be between The Risk and Marcus to win but no doubt cuntface Frankie will somehow manage to scrape into the final

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In this Arganauts humble opinion Janet is a clear favourite to win,



her voice is amazing and her likeability is unmatched,

you also notice the x factor itself does not waste time with very clever and dramatic pauses around her, as they know that no watcher will ever be duped by their usually effective dramatisation,


I would agree that Jonny really pulled the cat out of the proverbial bag however last night, he may be a dark horse as they say.

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Dont mind the saturday night show at all, pretty poor this year though! Dont mind Janet or Kitty only two that really stand out. What really pisses me off about the whole thing is the sunday night show. 45 minute show and the only bit we actually want to see is crammed into two minutes


Going to have to rush you gary we are running out of time........


Ok tonight im going to send home........


Cmon gary we are running out of time

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Do you?


its Saturday night viewing at the diamonds household....no issue with the show....for me Micha B is a clear fav, has the voice, style and probably can sing anything....


a close 2nd could be Janet or as an outsider Kitty


It would appear that diamondsr4ever is indeed a man of fine taste.


I watched Strictly Come Dancing a few weeks ago. It was nowhere near as entertaining or as tense as The X-Factor, but it was still very watchable. Brucey has still got the zazz.


I agree with Roberto. Kitty was very good on Saturday, and it is indeed somewhat baffling that she was voted in the bottom two whilst "cuntface" (as Oddjob succinctly and correctly put it) waltzes through.

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If you life on the surface of life, meaning you're superficial, you will love it, and the family will make an occasion of watching it, without calling into question any part of it, it's obviously fantastic I mean look, awwwww etc etc.


If you're normal, and think it's one big exercise in coming the cunt on a grand scale, you will see through it a mile off.


It's shit.

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Simon Cowell is a clever cunt.


He kens fine that stupid fowk will stump up their giros to vote for this crap, and will watch it in their millions, giving him a nice fat pay day. He doesnae even have to turn up, he jist gets his stooges tae do it all for him :thumbs:


I wish I had hair like Cowell. He truly has an outstanding crew cut.


I'd shake his hand and congratulate him on his astonishingly excellent crew cut.

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I've watched it - partly to be impressed at the very successful manipulation that the show pulls off on the viewers and even moreso the poor contestants - it's a singing come popularity contest manipulated as far as possible by SyCo to seperate fools from their money. They are very good at it. Given falling ratings - expect tantrums from the judges and fights between contestants. Tabloid fodder but when life is stressful it can be a hoot but please don't take it seriously - Frankie can't sing and only Louis seemed to know what rock music is.

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