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If You Could Turn Back Time


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If you could turn back time and go back to any day and place in the entire history of our planet which day would you go back to?


You'd only be staying for the one day so no need to pack other than maybe some sandwiches and a flask.



I think I'd go back to Jerusalem on the eve of year 1AD and mug the 3 wise men for their goods or maybe go to Gothenburg for the ECWC in 1983.

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If you could turn back time and go back to any day and place in the entire history of our planet which day would you go back to?


You'd only be staying for the one day so no need to pack other than maybe some sandwiches and a flask.



I think I'd go back to Jerusalem on the eve of year 1AD and mug the 3 wise men for their goods or maybe go to Gothenburg for the ECWC in 1983.


Could you change history, or jist be a bystander?

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High on my list would be the day when eh had jizz on my breeks on a blind date. Eh'd make sure to have a ham shank afore the date, so that eh could have made sweet love tae thon stunning wee hunny. Everything was falling in to place for that to happen until my faux pas :cry:



did that put him off ?

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I'd just chain his zimmer to the railings outside the entrance to the arcade on Market Street and he'd be there all day until I released him.


so you reckon your could take dayts do you?


he is a soccer mentalist and skilled in gang fighting.

he wears c.p. company clothing and ski goggles.


i think he could beat you up.

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Aberdeen's hardest casual apparently, sounds like a pavement dancer extraordinaire, kudos to him for that accolade thirty odd years ago.


I've never been a casual though, I've no experience of glassing a bloke on his own whilst 50 of my mates cheer me on, but I'm tough now, today, whilst poor dayts has seen better days.


It's a bit like saying was Roy Keane better than Bryan Robson to draw you an analogy you would be familiar with, who knows, different eras, same goes.


He'd have killed me in the 80's, I was only a bairn, but I wouldna want to hit him now, as he's too old.


We'll never know.

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Aberdeen's hardest casual apparently, sounds like a pavement dancer extraordinaire, kudos to him for that accolade thirty odd years ago.


I've never been a casual though, I've no experience of glassing a bloke on his own whilst 50 of my mates cheer me on, but I'm tough now, today, whilst poor dayts has seen better days.


It's a bit like saying was Roy Keane better than Bryan Robson to draw you an analogy you would be familiar with, who knows, different eras, same goes.


He'd have killed me in the 80's, I was only a bairn, but I wouldna want to hit him now, as he's too old.


We'll never know.



exactly. look at todays midfiled generals. stevie me is a poor man's frank lampard, never mind roy keane, who himself looks up to captain marvel.


there is a natural heirarchy in life. the cream always rises to the top, but alas every dog has his day.


dayts maybe used to be able to beat up 12 year olds but not any longer. this is big boy shit.

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If you could turn back time and go back to any day and place in the entire history of our planet which day would you go back to?


You'd only be staying for the one day so no need to pack other than maybe some sandwiches and a flask.



I think I'd go back to Jerusalem on the eve of year 1AD and mug the 3 wise men for their goods or maybe go to Gothenburg for the ECWC in 1983.


You'd be a year late if you turned up on the eve of 1AD as Jesus was already over a year old by that point in time.


How did they know to name the years before Jesus was born as BC?


Example. How could you possibly say it was 10BC ten years before Jesus came on the scene unless everyone knew it was going to happen in 10 years time?



A day I'd like to visit?


Probably yesterday to spark the prick who lit up in Aberdeen airport bogs causing the fire alarm to go off and getting the airport evacuated.


Fucking irritating having to go through security for a second time especially as I'd a half ounce of coke smuggled in my anus. Had to go through security twice and was a nervous wreck.

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i'd change the ref that got bribed by porto. someone like jesus, a man full of integrity.


was it porto, or some other team?


It was Porto.


Regardless of bribery we should have beaten them. A worse result was the 2-2 against Gothenburg the following season in the European Cup QF that resulted in us being out on away goals. A last minute goal in the first leg cost us a spot in the European Cup semi final. We'd have stood a half decent chance of grabbing that that year. :ThumbsDown:

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i'd change the ref that got bribed by porto. someone like jesus, a man full of integrity.


was it porto, or some other team?


For every Porto, there's a Roma, not an aroma, a Roma.


Who, with the aid of some greased palms, prevented Dundee Utd from getting to the European Cup final :sheepdance:

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