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Right not a big fan of this brand and what they stand for but I must say that their 'body mist' spray is amazing, my nieces use this stuff and it's lovely I now have some myself which is strange as I vowed to never buy anything from hollister but this stuff is just soo fine, just put some of it on my curtains and it's like i'm in a forrest the smell is that good and fresh.


Does anyone else use this or know people that do?


It's like a wonderland of smells.

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Right not a big fan of this brand and what they stand for but I must say that their 'body mist' spray is amazing, my nieces use this stuff and it's lovely I now have some myself which is strange as I vowed to never buy anything from hollister but this stuff is just soo fine, just put some of it on my curtains and it's like i'm in a forrest the smell is that good and fresh.


Does anyone else use this or know people that do?


It's like a wonderland of smells.




He's never nae using it.



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Right not a big fan of this brand and what they stand for but I must say that their 'body mist' spray is amazing, my nieces use this stuff and it's lovely I now have some myself which is strange as I vowed to never buy anything from hollister but this stuff is just soo fine, just put some of it on my curtains and it's like i'm in a forrest the smell is that good and fresh.


Does anyone else use this or know people that do?


It's like a wonderland of smells.


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Edit: Bastard boof, you beat me too it...

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i'm all for men smelling good. and rooms too. but spraying your curtains might be a bit much ...should someone of the female persuasion end up in your room and notice. just my opinion though. not that you were necessarily asking for one. :dontknow:


Spraying curtains. I've heard of people using them for a quick wipe but never spraying them. :sherlock:

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