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London To Aberdeen By Road

The Boofon

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Train tickets booked from Gatwick to London Bridge then onto Sidcup.


Bit of a rip off at just over 20 quid including some fucking day pass travel card thing you need for travelling in London.


Insurance also changed over for additional 80 quid.


Paid 19 quid for 10 day insurance for the old raft while I get it sold. (Pay attention to that any would be car dealers) :sherlock:


Now what music to listen to on the way up to Penrith, will I be hit with a congestion charge in London and how much do these toll roads cost?

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Train tickets booked from Gatwick to London Bridge then onto Sidcup.


Bit of a rip off at just over 20 quid including some fucking day pass travel card thing you need for travelling in London.


Insurance also changed over for additional 80 quid.


Paid 19 quid for 10 day insurance for the old raft while I get it sold. (Pay attention to that any would be car dealers) :sherlock:


Now what music to listen to on the way up to Penrith, will I be hit with a congestion charge in London and how much do these toll roads cost?


What are you selling?...Unless you know some cu*t that will take it you've no chance of moving the fu*ker on in 10 days

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Now what music to listen to on the way up to Penrith, will I be hit with a congestion charge in London and how much do these toll roads cost?


All 3 Gaslight Anthem albums, plus their recent iTunes session should provide the soundtrack for the first couple of hours.


The move on to Frank Turners back catalogue for the next wee while.


Foo Fighters Wasting Light, then bung on Bruce Springsteens Greatest Hits should see you right.

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Just mind that air guitar solos to 'Dancing in the Dark' can be lethal on a busy motorway.


Bruce Springsteen FFS.


I suggest awkward silence on the way home, with sporadic outbursts of road rage and accusations of 'I telt ye we should have taken the (insert road name) instead of the fucking (insert road name) based on the recommendations in this thread.


All you will get fae music is grief, turn it up, turn it doon, turn at shite off, what you doin! that's a good song when some chart pish kicks in etc etc.


Fuck that, radio is for enjoyment and relaxation, two emotions I never feel when behind the wheel of a car, I need to be on the edge of sanity in order to drive at my peak, which means frivolous, light hearted pish like music is not on my twisted agenda.


Sheer aggression coupled with near death experiences due to rash maneouvres is the way to get up the road sharp.

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Just mind that air guitar solos to 'Dancing in the Dark' can be lethal on a busy motorway.


Bruce Springsteen FFS.


I suggest awkward silence on the way home, with sporadic outbursts of road rage and accusations of 'I telt ye we should have taken the (insert road name) instead of the fucking (insert road name) based on the recommendations in this thread.


All you will get fae music is grief, turn it up, turn it doon, turn at shite off, what you doin! that's a good song when some chart pish kicks in etc etc.


Fuck that, radio is for enjoyment and relaxation, two emotions I never feel when behind the wheel of a car, I need to be on the edge of sanity in order to drive at my peak, which means frivolous, light hearted pish like music is not on my twisted agenda.


Sheer aggression coupled with near death experiences due to rash maneouvres is the way to get up the road sharp.


You suggesting Sir Boofon of Cullen is a schizophrenic, and talks to himself in such manner while driving ?

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What are you selling?...Unless you know some cu*t that will take it you've no chance of moving the fu*ker on in 10 days



Want a bet?




The car I bought was only advertised on the same day I bought it. Dinna kid yersel thinking cars take ages to sell. The right car at the right price will shift in a matter of hours.


I suspect mine will be sold the second I drive it to my already lined up purchaser. However as I cannot get to him until late next week I'll insure it for the next 10 days so I have something to zip about with while the wife drives the new one.

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All 3 Gaslight Anthem albums, plus their recent iTunes session should provide the soundtrack for the first couple of hours.


The move on to Frank Turners back catalogue for the next wee while.


Foo Fighters Wasting Light, then bung on Bruce Springsteens Greatest Hits should see you right.


I might just listen to Radio 2.


No you won't.


Yes I will.


I'm not bothering to answer EPK's post.

Yes you will.

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