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Stewart Milne On Red Tv


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How ironic


There we go again. Absolutely nothing constructive to say.


You know, I don't really ponder or spend too much time on who posts what on this site, other than taking note of the main protagonists who seem to spend half their lives on the place. But I have noticed of late, what a load of waffle you put to print.


You do know Godwin's Law is all about a conversation that eventually ends up talking about the beliefs of Hitler or the Nazis. To refer to WWII, the period or the danger in which the World was under per say, does not form part of this.


If you've anything remotely interesting to say about the topic I started, then crack on. If not, awa and finish aff yer Xmas shopping!

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So Milne is slated on the one hand for not putting his hand in his pocket and allowing "great players to be purchased". And on the other hand he is slated for financial incompetence and building up a huge debt?



No, Milne is slated for presiding over the reduction of Aberdeen Football club to the status of annual potential relegation candidates and a period of almost twenty years without a single trophy.


He's slated for bringing in virtually no investment, nor appointing people capable of doing so in one of the richest cities in the UK.


He's slated for investing virtually not one red cent in the club in terms of professional facilities.


He's slated for massively overspending.


He's slated for appointing an alcoholic as the manager of the football team.


He's slated for allowing crowds to decline with no plan to bring the fans back in, save allowing a series of managers and 'Directors of Football' to blame the FANS for the state of the club.


He's slated for an absolutely suicidal, short term, 'boom and bust' method of running the club.


He's slated for allowing one of Scotland's best youth set-up's to decline to the level where the only players it produces are future Peterhead quality.


He's slated for being the guy in charge when clusterfuck after fucking clusterfuck is the only policy of Aberdeen Football Club.


He's slated because he's inept, disinterested and has destroyed the club... regardless of whatever loose change (to him) he puts into the club temporarily...

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There we go again. Absolutely nothing constructive to say.


You know, I don't really ponder or spend too much time on who posts what on this site, other than taking note of the main protagonists who seem to spend half their lives on the place. But I have noticed of late, what a load of waffle you put to print.


You do know Godwin's Law is all about a conversation that eventually ends up talking about the beliefs of Hitler or the Nazis. To refer to WWII, the period or the danger in which the World was under per say, does not form part of this.


If you've anything remotely interesting to say about the topic I started, then crack on. If not, awa and finish aff yer Xmas shopping!


It twas I that mentioned Goodwin's Law and I believe I also gave some constructive criticism to your flawed argument...


Goodwin's Law isn't about having an argument and then mentioning Hitler because you've lost the plot, its about using Hitler in an argument because you have no other extreme to go to in an attempt to win. While Hitler usually doesn't come into someones defence until they have no other you have decided to go straight into the extreme. You have also totally overlooked/ignored the fact that Milne was speaking about Scottish football and AFC and not the global economy or life in the UK in general.


Every post you've made in this thread has been to either defend your over exaggerated view on Milne and AFC or to try, and fail, to belittle someone who dares to contradict you.


Milne may be a useless cock but he is no Nazi dictator nor did he compare the situation at AFC to the fight and plight of the second world war.


To conclude and sum up, get ti fuck yi bam.

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There we go again. Absolutely nothing constructive to say.


You know, I don't really ponder or spend too much time on who posts what on this site, other than taking note of the main protagonists who seem to spend half their lives on the place. But I have noticed of late, what a load of waffle you put to print.


You do know Godwin's Law is all about a conversation that eventually ends up talking about the beliefs of Hitler or the Nazis. To refer to WWII, the period or the danger in which the World was under per say, does not form part of this.


If you've anything remotely interesting to say about the topic I started, then crack on. If not, awa and finish aff yer Xmas shopping!

How ironic.

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You do know Godwin's Law is all about a conversation that eventually ends up talking about the beliefs of Hitler or the Nazis. To refer to WWII, the period or the danger in which the World was under per say, does not form part of this.

No, I didn't know that, I thought it was this......



It twas I that mentioned Goodwin's Law and I believe I also gave some constructive criticism to your flawed argument...


Goodwin's Law isn't about having an argument and then mentioning Hitler because you've lost the plot, its about using Hitler in an argument because you have no other extreme to go to in an attempt to win. While Hitler usually doesn't come into someones defence until they have no other you have decided to go straight into the extreme. You have also totally overlooked/ignored the fact that Milne was speaking about Scottish football and AFC and not the global economy or life in the UK in general.

Which is what you did immediatly as spam3 says. Clearly you were either too stupid to realsie what Wiggy was talking about, or deliberately disingenuous, neither does your weak argument any good.



We all agree Wiggy hasn't been a good Chairman, some of us feel that he is keeping the wolf from the door, so until we have someone capable - financially capable - of filling his shoes and the guarantees he brings with him then we have to accept that for now, which is not the same as being a happy clapper as those of us with some common sense and lacking in emotional vitriol get labelled. Like Dynamo, I think he will bugger off once Loirston is delivered, so you will get your wish, and he will have at least given us something to be proud of from his tenure.


However, let me ask again, Wiggy out, then what? Then who? We hear the same drivel ad infinitum, yet no-one ever comes up with this mysterious saviour? Cummings? Even an appeal on national radio produced nothing, and here's a guy who's been vocal in his opposition, and made it clear he's willing to front a group of backers, but admitted he doesn't know anyone interested. Nothing.


So who and what is your solution? Where's YOUR constructive criticism? Or is it fine to snipe constantly from the sidelines simply shouting DO SOMETHING without having a clue what to actually do?

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It twas I that mentioned Goodwin's Law and I believe I also gave some constructive criticism to your flawed argument...


Goodwin's Law isn't about having an argument and then mentioning Hitler because you've lost the plot, its about using Hitler in an argument because you have no other extreme to go to in an attempt to win. While Hitler usually doesn't come into someones defence until they have no other you have decided to go straight into the extreme. You have also totally overlooked/ignored the fact that Milne was speaking about Scottish football and AFC and not the global economy or life in the UK in general.


Every post you've made in this thread has been to either defend your over exaggerated view on Milne and AFC or to try, and fail, to belittle someone who dares to contradict you.


Milne may be a useless cock but he is no Nazi dictator nor did he compare the situation at AFC to the fight and plight of the second world war.


To conclude and sum up, get ti fuck yi bam.


What in god's name are you talking about you complete and utter mong?


Where did I compare Milne to a Nazi? I was commenting on his quote, in which he was referring to the current situation about the sale of Pittodrie/state of football/life in general. He said "living in the worst time for 100 years". That was a pretty off the cuff, generic statement if you ask me. I then went on to ask if this was a fair statement to make, based on other events and periods that have taken place over the last century, namely the 2nd World War amongst others.


At no point did I refer to Milne as a Nazi.


Please be careful what you throw at someone pal, or else you'll be receiving a letter from my solicitor.


And yes, Milne is a useless cock. At least you got one thing right.

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What in god's name are you talking about you complete and utter mong?


Where did I compare Milne to a Nazi? I was commenting on his quote, in which he was referring to the current situation about the sale of Pittodrie/state of football/life in general. He said "living in the worst time for 100 years". That was a pretty off the cuff, generic statement if you ask me. I then went on to ask if this was a fair statement to make, based on other events and periods that have taken place over the last century, namely the 2nd World War amongst others.


At no point did I refer to Milne as a Nazi.


Please be careful what you throw at someone pal, or else you'll be receiving a letter from my solicitor.


And yes, Milne is a useless cock. At least you got one thing right.


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No, I didn't know that, I thought it was this......




Which is what you did immediatly as spam3 says. Clearly you were either too stupid to realsie what Wiggy was talking about, or deliberately disingenuous, neither does your weak argument any good.



We all agree Wiggy hasn't been a good Chairman, some of us feel that he is keeping the wolf from the door, so until we have someone capable - financially capable - of filling his shoes and the guarantees he brings with him then we have to accept that for now, which is not the same as being a happy clapper as those of us with some common sense and lacking in emotional vitriol get labelled. Like Dynamo, I think he will bugger off once Loirston is delivered, so you will get your wish, and he will have at least given us something to be proud of from his tenure.


However, let me ask again, Wiggy out, then what? Then who? We hear the same drivel ad infinitum, yet no-one ever comes up with this mysterious saviour? Cummings? Even an appeal on national radio produced nothing, and here's a guy who's been vocal in his opposition, and made it clear he's willing to front a group of backers, but admitted he doesn't know anyone interested. Nothing.


So who and what is your solution? Where's YOUR constructive criticism? Or is it fine to snipe constantly from the sidelines simply shouting DO SOMETHING without having a clue what to actually do?


Ah, that old chestnut, that so many 'status quo' fans trundle out.... who is out there that could do a better job? Hitler perhaps? Nope, he's broon breed :rolleyes::charlie: ? Nope. Charlie, the mild mannered janitor? Could be!!!


Listen and listen very carefully.... I shall say this only once. It is not the responsibility of myself, Jim Cummings nor anyone else outside the confines of the Boardroom of AFC, to come up with suggestions as to who could replace not only Milne (Gilbert/Miller/Little etc etc). Do RBS shareholders have to come up with a candidate as a replacement for the failing Chairman? Do Blackburn fans need to suggest a replacement for the Venkys? Does anyone with a vested interest in the healthy running of their company/public service/sporting organisation, need to justify their questions to such an extent that they need to give a name?


You'd like rid of Blatter I presume? Do you need to have a name or give a succession plan in order to question his position? No. So why he hell should anyone with a remote interest in seeing Aberdeen FC do well, have to come up with a plan of action, before they can question what benefit Milne brings to the club?


Have a read through Kelt's post. Read it again, and again, and again, until it sinks into your head. You are very much in the crossed-fingers camp and believe that Milne will deliver something for us to be 'proud of'? I am not really interested in having a nice shiny new stadium if we still have the same crap mismanagement, same poor attitude floating around the club, same sub standard level of football and same loss making operation. That may be ok for you, but not for me and many other alike.


Look, let's get back to basics here please, as both you and Spam have completely derailed this thread with your nonsense about Godwin.


Milne is a blethering fool. I think he ticks that box without too much trouble.

He just presided over the latest set of accounts, held and AGM and his response was captured on film.

Said film was analysed by someone who doesn't swallow his false hope and belief that everything is going to be ok if we click our heels and say 'there's no place like a home in Loirston".

I look for guarantees that Milne will announce his departure in the short term period (and for what it's worth, I believe he will look to propel Colin Welsh to the Chairman position).

I also look for guarantees that Milne has a plan other than sticking his finger in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing.


Happy clapper analogy aside, if you are happy with the status quo, then your are indeed, rocking all over the world, just as our club is rocking on the edge of a cliff!

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Unbelievable laughing.gif


What is? Incorrectly stating that I compared Milne to Hitler and being a Nazi? In this day and age, you need to be very careful what you say on any social media network.


And you're a happy clapper as well - don't think I haven't noticed your Milne apologist pish.

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Quit now TWL. Your starting to sound very, very silly.


Aye, cause everyone getting fully behind the club, players and manager is a proven policy that will bring success yeah.


Care to expand on what part of ANY of my posts are silly?

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What in god's name are you talking about you complete and utter mong?


Where did I compare Milne to a Nazi? I was commenting on his quote, in which he was referring to the current situation about the sale of Pittodrie/state of football/life in general. He said "living in the worst time for 100 years". That was a pretty off the cuff, generic statement if you ask me. I then went on to ask if this was a fair statement to make, based on other events and periods that have taken place over the last century, namely the 2nd World War amongst others.


At no point did I refer to Milne as a Nazi.


Please be careful what you throw at someone pal, or else you'll be receiving a letter from my solicitor.


And yes, Milne is a useless cock. At least you got one thing right.


He said, to quote your quote



"We're living in the most uncertain time in the last 100 years".


We're as in Aberdeen FC and uncertain as in the finances of Scottish football and the SPL.


If you would like my address feel free to PM me and I'll happily allow you to waste

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this thread is bonkers


It was going fine until some sad psychologist wannabes got in on the act.


But that's a common theme amongst those who like to derail the attempts to oust the truth. The truth does indeed hurt.


Not to worry, I see we are all marching on, merrily and with gay abandon, under the tutelage of Milne and his managerial appointments.

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Ah, that old chestnut, that so many 'status quo' fans trundle out.... who is out there that could do a better job? Hitler perhaps? Nope, he's broon breed :rolleyes::charlie: ? Nope. Charlie, the mild mannered janitor? Could be!!!


Listen and listen very carefully.... I shall say this only once. It is not the responsibility of myself, Jim Cummings nor anyone else outside the confines of the Boardroom of AFC, to come up with suggestions as to who could replace not only Milne (Gilbert/Miller/Little etc etc). Do RBS shareholders have to come up with a candidate as a replacement for the failing Chairman? Do Blackburn fans need to suggest a replacement for the Venkys? Does anyone with a vested interest in the healthy running of their company/public service/sporting organisation, need to justify their questions to such an extent that they need to give a name?


You'd like rid of Blatter I presume? Do you need to have a name or give a succession plan in order to question his position? No. So why he hell should anyone with a remote interest in seeing Aberdeen FC do well, have to come up with a plan of action, before they can question what benefit Milne brings to the club?


Have a read through Kelt's post. Read it again, and again, and again, until it sinks into your head. You are very much in the crossed-fingers camp and believe that Milne will deliver something for us to be 'proud of'? I am not really interested in having a nice shiny new stadium if we still have the same crap mismanagement, same poor attitude floating around the club, same sub standard level of football and same loss making operation. That may be ok for you, but not for me and many other alike.


Look, let's get back to basics here please, as both you and Spam have completely derailed this thread with your nonsense about Godwin.


Milne is a blethering fool. I think he ticks that box without too much trouble.

He just presided over the latest set of accounts, held and AGM and his response was captured on film.

Said film was analysed by someone who doesn't swallow his false hope and belief that everything is going to be ok if we click our heels and say 'there's no place like a home in Loirston".

I look for guarantees that Milne will announce his departure in the short term period (and for what it's worth, I believe he will look to propel Colin Welsh to the Chairman position).

I also look for guarantees that Milne has a plan other than sticking his finger in the air and seeing which way the wind is blowing.


Happy clapper analogy aside, if you are happy with the status quo, then your are indeed, rocking all over the world, just as our club is rocking on the edge of a cliff!

Back to basics?


What you then go on to show, is that rather than answer the perfectly valid question of who should follow, you simply regurgiate the same pish you did right at the start of this thread. I'm sorry that R-S is no longer here to badger and browbeat everyone who doesn't agree that a 'Milne out with no successor' campaign is wholly right, but that's just how some feel, and now that vitriolic personal attacks for voicing that opinion have been extinguished, there's a chance we'll get some sort of intelligent debate on the matter - admittedly not from you it seems - but debate nonetheless.


As for your Blatter analogy, are you serious? If Blatter goes someone will step in, there's a whole executive committe lining up to take over, and there's no financial implication if he gets the boot. How on earth does this in any way compare with getting rid of the guy who is guaranteeing our debt? If Wiggy were to pull out his backing, the banks step in and we go into liquidation, it is as simple as that.

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Back to basics?


What you then go on to show, is that rather than answer the perfectly valid question of who should follow, you simply regurgiate the same pish you did right at the start of this thread. I'm sorry that R-S is no longer here to badger and browbeat everyone who doesn't agree that a 'Milne out with no successor' campaign is wholly right, but that's just how some feel, and now that vitriolic personal attacks for voicing that opinion have been extinguished, there's a chance we'll get some sort of intelligent debate on the matter - admittedly not from you it seems - but debate nonetheless.


As for your Blatter analogy, are you serious? If Blatter goes someone will step in, there's a whole executive committe lining up to take over, and there's no financial implication if he gets the boot. How on earth does this in any way compare with getting rid of the guy who is guaranteeing our debt? If Wiggy were to pull out his backing, the banks step in and we go into liquidation, it is as simple as that.



You are factually incorrect, yet again. Milne guarantees some

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[1]SMG aka Wiggy are guarantors of our overdraft to the best of my knowledge. The £2.5 they recently gave was due to us being on the edge of breaking our banking covenants, ie. a new and extra amount they had to come up with.





Not sure about the rest and cannot be bothered checking but neither Milne or SMG put in 2.5 million.


It was a joint venture as was widely reported last week in the press.


It's not just Milne who puts up money.


This link (Daily Record and I apologise) says who put the cash up.


EDIT: Forgot link. Hun Paper link


I'm not getting into a debate just pointing out the facts from fiction from you. TWL is away with the fairies and I aint gonna start to pick oles in his bollocks or I'd be here until Hogmanay.


As you were.

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Not sure about the rest and cannot be bothered checking but neither Milne or SMG put in 2.5 million.


It was a joint venture as was widely reported last week in the press.


It's not just Milne who puts up money.


This link (Daily Record and I apologise) says who put the cash up.


EDIT: Forgot link. Hun Paper link


I'm not getting into a debate just pointing out the facts from fiction from you. TWL is away with the fairies and I aint gonna start to pick oles in his bollocks or I'd be here until Hogmanay.


As you were.


Well done Boofon. Fatshaft is indeed incorrect. The guarantee was cast in stone many moons ago and is not a sliding scale regarding incremental increases in debt. Do you really honestly believe that Milne would be guarantor for up to £15m of debt? Get real. Hence the reason the only plan he can come up with is to sell Pittodrie and arrange a mortgage for a similar amount.


Away with the fairies? Well, maybe so. But please don't even attempt to suggest what I present as facts... hard, tangible, black and white facts, are bollocks.


See, denial is one of the underlying problems that we have allowed this nonsense to continue. For years, fans have came up with the arguments Fatshaft has - ie, there's no one else out there to replace him. Quite honestly, that is bollocks pal. The truth is that Milne will not sell his shares until he is good and ready, regardless of whether there are alternatives out there. And I know that for a fact, so let's put it to bed now.


Merry Christmas by the way.

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Not sure about the rest and cannot be bothered checking but neither Milne or SMG put in 2.5 million.


It was a joint venture as was widely reported last week in the press.


It's not just Milne who puts up money.


This link (Daily Record and I apologise) says who put the cash up.


EDIT: Forgot link. Hun Paper link



I'm not getting into a debate just pointing out the facts from fiction from you. TWL is away with the fairies and I aint gonna start to pick oles in his bollocks or I'd be here until Hogmanay.


As you were.

Apologies, didn't mean to give the credit there wholly to Milne, as it was indeed him and AAM.
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Well done Boofon. Fatshaft is indeed incorrect. The guarantee was cast in stone many moons ago and is not a sliding scale regarding incremental increases in debt. Do you really honestly believe that Milne would be guarantor for up to £15m of debt? Get real. Hence the reason the only plan he can come up with is to sell Pittodrie and arrange a mortgage for a similar amount.

The point boofon corrected me on was that I incorrectly stated that Milne alone put up last weeks loan of £2.5m, please do not confuse that with what Wiggy guarantees for the banks regarding our debt position.


Now, as your point above, how much is the guarantee?

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The point boofon corrected me on was that I incorrectly stated that Milne alone put up last weeks loan of £2.5m, please do not confuse that with what Wiggy guarantees for the banks regarding our debt position.


Now, as your point above, how much is the guarantee?


£2.25m mate.... like I said, back in 2003.


The bank overdraft (note 14) and the term loan facilities detailed above, are secured by a standard security over

Pittodrie Stadium, a floating charge over the assets of the Company and by guarantees from Aberdeen Asset

Management PLC for £562,500, Aberdeen Development Capital PLC for £562,500 and Stewart Milne Group Limited

for £1,125,000. In the event of the guarantees being called up by the Bank of Scotland, the Company’s liability to the

Guarantors would be satisfied by the issue to them of secured loan stock bearing a fixed interest rate of 8% and

redeemable 10 years after issue. In addition, a keyman insurance policy covering the loan period over the life of

Stewart Milne in the sum of £2.25M has been assigned to the Bank of Scotland

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