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Losing How Much Money Would Get You Really Worked Up?


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Not good at making money so losing it is unfortunate.


I pick up pennies , not so much because I'm mean , more because of the aul' wifie's saying - 'See a penny and pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck'. Must have picked up a small fortune over 65 years ! :P


Once had shares worth

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It's only money, regardless of the amount i'd soon get over it.



With you on this.


I only ever gamble/lose money I'm prepared to lose.

Shouldn't gamble what you can't afford to lose, otherwise you'll end up in a world of hurt.


Not that I'm particularly chuffed when I do lose but yes, it is after all, only money.

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One thing is for sure, I'd be doing life for murder if I were one of those four cunts from Falkirk who had their pools money stolen on a regular basis by a colleague, and battled Littlewoods for ages for the cash, to no avail.


I'm sure that sort of workplace scam is par for the course in hellholes like Falkirk.

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One thing is for sure, I'd be doing life for murder if I were one of those four cunts from Falkirk who had their pools money stolen on a regular basis by a colleague, and battled Littlewoods for ages for the cash, to no avail.


I'm sure that sort of workplace scam is par for the course in hellholes like Falkirk.


It happened in my last place of work. The culprit no longer works there. Seems to happen a lot and I wonder what the ratio is between those getting caught and those still getting away with it. Regular checks are regrettably required on other people's honesty.

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It happened in my last place of work. The culprit no longer works there. Seems to happen a lot and I wonder what the ratio is between those getting caught and those still getting away with it. Regular checks are regrettably required on other people's honesty.


Not mine, I'm as honest as the day is long, far too honest at times, which gets me into trouble, speaking my mind.

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One thing is for sure, I'd be doing life for murder if I were one of those four cunts from Falkirk who had their pools money stolen on a regular basis by a colleague, and battled Littlewoods for ages for the cash, to no avail.


I'm sure that sort of workplace scam is par for the course in hellholes like Falkirk.


what this story tup?


i'd bet that bad_mobbys up to his arms in it. dodgy cunt that he is.

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