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German Nympho

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What if it was Michelle Mcmannus?



She's allegedly bang into anal so I'd be happy enough providing she never spoke or opened her mouth. Her teeth are worse than a certain man from Rutherglen and her voice is quite frankly disturbing.


Other than that she's worth a dunt.

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She's allegedly bang into anal so I'd be happy enough providing she never spoke or opened her mouth. Her teeth are worse than a certain man from Rutherglen and her voice is quite frankly disturbing.


Other than that she's worth a dunt.


She'd be up on charges of manslaughter the moment she mounted you. She'd manage asphyxiate a fucking elephant.

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Treat that with a pinch of salt.


Could they nae just tell her to fuck off.....it's not psychiatry she needs , it's physiotherapy , her clitoris has seized up or is otherwise unresponsive....so she cannae get satisfaction. For years WE were blamed for this. There are only 2% of the males species able to go at it all night.....and I'm nae one o' them. She wid hiv hated me , she's the type that would have resented ye enjoying a good smoke efter you had done your bit.


It's a big fuckin' dildo she needs.












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Isn't a nympho just "someone who has more sex than you do"? (Alfred Kinsey).


Came across this tidbit of information today: The second wife of Claudius, Emperor of Rome, was both an intelligent manipulator of her scholarly husband and an extremely lustful person. Hence, one night, Messalina entered into a competition with a prostitute named Scylla. Scylla managed twenty-five men, Messalina supposedly kept going long after her competitor had given up. Claudius later had her executed when he learned of her plotting to have him assassinated, and was apparently content to only have her head cut off once.


Budding nymphomaniac? or just overly competitive? :sheepdance:

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i would argue not quite the same.

and i'd also argue the latter is definitely spouting a double standard.

you don't refer to men who have had sex with multiple partners as sluts, do you?

in fact, most men seem to be encouraged "to sow their wild oats", are they not?


No, I disagree with it regardless of gender.

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There is such a thing as too much sex. Was worn down to a nub by a gf many years ago by twenty four hours in a hotel room with no sleep.... hotel room sex doesn't have the same attraction to me any more. More like a nervous twitch inducing effect.


Can understand the guys running away... though crying after eight times? That's being a bit of a pussy. Unless she's truly frightening... but you'd think they'd say no initially if that had been the case.



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Did someone mention sluts? :spunk:


laughing.gif also @ DiO


Messalina sounds quite the scamp like. I'm sure if she tried her wee comp up here she'd lose though.


As for slut/nympho argument birds like it just as much as us, no shame in that. I heard a rumor that if it wasn't for shagging none of us would be here.

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