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Kilimanjaro Climb


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yeah i posted it on there yesterday.. also saying how brilliant you guys on here have been, just to see if i could get some competition between the boards.... THE HAT will always be the best :thumbs: :thumbs:



This will be fun. Forum wars are good at the best of times. If Ad Mad suggests anything The Hat thinks it's shite and if we have something they think it's shite.


For what it's worth we're better by miles. We certainly don't wear stupid looking hats on our linkedin photos. :wave:

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Are you fit anyway buzz15afc?

erm..... well in the last year i have lost about 3.5 stone, by changing my diet and going to the gym... i started playing football again after 10 years away after i hurt my knee.... i have a certain level of natural fitness, but not for climbing mountains... i know i will have no probs getting to that level as once i get my mind set on something i tend to get there... my one major fear for this is the altitude sickness as i dont know if i will suffer from it, and there is no way to train for it....

one thing that will def get me thro is all the donations that are being made... and ill prob be the first person to wear an aberdeen top at the summit :scarf: :scarf:

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erm..... well in the last year i have lost about 3.5 stone, by changing my diet and going to the gym... i started playing football again after 10 years away after i hurt my knee.... i have a certain level of natural fitness, but not for climbing mountains... i know i will have no probs getting to that level as once i get my mind set on something i tend to get there... my one major fear for this is the altitude sickness as i dont know if i will suffer from it, and there is no way to train for it....

one thing that will def get me thro is all the donations that are being made... and ill prob be the first person to wear an aberdeen top at the summit :scarf: :scarf:


There is.


Get yourself up Mont Blanc and K-2 prior to your climb.


Avoid K-9 however. That's an oxygen thief at the best of times.

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This will be fun. Forum wars are good at the best of times. If Ad Mad suggests anything The Hat thinks it's shite and if we have something they think it's shite.


For what it's worth we're better by miles. We certainly don't wear stupid looking hats on our linkedin photos. :wave:



Aye seems that way....


Some folk have some pretty strong morals on this it would seem...or selective ones rather.


"Whilst I'm not doubting your intentions or the cause, these trips aren't as selfless as people like to make out and I for one find it hard to put my hand in my pouch in the knowledge that all of my donation isn't going directly to the charity"




The same folk who spout this no doubt have no problem spunking money on pish like the Sun Newspaper, booze and fags, but can't bring themselves, morally, to donate a tenner to a good cause.

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Aye seems that way....


Some folk have some pretty strong morals on this it would seem...or selective ones rather.


"Whilst I'm not doubting your intentions or the cause, these trips aren't as selfless as people like to make out and I for one find it hard to put my hand in my pouch in the knowledge that all of my donation isn't going directly to the charity"




The same folk who spout this no doubt have no problem spunking money on pish like the Sun Newspaper, booze and fags, but can't bring themselves, morally, to donate a tenner to a good cause.


An Ad Mad quote?

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1. dayts

2. rocket


4. roberto

5. nelly

6. afc blockhead

7. tup

8. buchanskii

9. tommy

10. dynamo

11. kilkito

12. boofon

13. mdal

14. delta1red

15. bebo

16. bripod

17. harcus

18. ollie

19. dom

20. rtyd

21. bluto

22. paul archibald ???

23. king street loon

24. bobby connor

25. rgudon

26. sheepishone

27. jigot

28. redstar

29. jassb

30. tommo1903

31. CrazyBullsheep

32. slick

33. steven gabriel










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It's not always morals. In fact, I would say that in the majority of cases, they invoke morality as a smokescreen for their grippiness.


Mean-spiritedness is a shocking condition that afflicts so many. These people have poisoned souls and will do anything to welch on spending.


I needed to rattle the head of one of our mates off the pavement a couple of times outside Radars in Belmont Street. Just got sick of him never standing his hand and investing enormous energy and great deceit to keep his spending to a bare minimum.




Superb food in there back in the good old days.

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I bet you could too. Those Tanzanian mountain guides also prepare by doing 50 x starjumps first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.




Star jump your way to fitness with this handy DVD from tup.


It would be up there with Davina McCall's, or Beverley Callard's (you have to assume everyone buying hers aspires to look like a startled ginger giraffe) seminal workout discs.

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It's not always morals. In fact, I would say that in the majority of cases, they invoke morality as a smokescreen for their grippiness.


Mean-spiritedness is a shocking condition that afflicts so many. These people have poisoned souls and will do anything to welch on spending.


I needed to rattle the head of one of our mates off the pavement a couple of times outside Radars in Belmont Street. Just got sick of him never standing his hand and investing enormous energy and great deceit to keep his spending to a bare minimum.


Or maybe they don't like to see private companies and individuals profiteering from the charity of others?

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