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Karl Fletcher

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Check the Sig, min! :thumbs:


Will be odd watching the fitba with nae booze though.


Could be a long night!


I'm joining you Karl. Longest I've ever lasted was 6 weeks a couple of months back and did 3 weeks earlier in the year. My body can't cope with it any more.


Still not 100% since the weekend. Saying that, off on holiday next week which could be tricky.

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I'm fairly certain you'll buckle tonight and I don't even know you.


I know many others like you though, full of shit good intentions.


Should be fine tonight as there isn't any beer/wine in the house.


I doubt I'll get to the desperate stage of needing to drink the Jack Daniels/Gin/Vodka straight from the bottle for another couple of weeks yet.


Good luck, Bobby :thumbup1:

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Ach, that probably winna be 'til early next year anyway min.


The real test will come on Friday afternoons.


My work lay on free crates of beer for abody every Friday at 4pm.




Difficult will be when you are sober and everyone is drunk around you. Nae fine.


And you will end up being taxi boy.


Take up recreational drug taking during your period of abstaining...

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Do you not have the head wetting in the days after the birth? Preferably while the mither and bairn are still in the hospital?


Aye, then turn up at the hospital in a shambolic condition as the doctor is going through life and death matters with you about keeping your bairn alive and stuff after discharge.


At least that's what I did anyway.

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Aye, then turn up at the hospital in a shambolic condition as the doctor is going through life and death matters with you about keeping your bairn alive and stuff after discharge.


At least that's what I did anyway.


Was that the moment the ex went all schizo on you, and you then took an oath to only drink in moderation as you could no longer handle the hangovers ?

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Aye, it's fucking brilliant. :cheers:


Heaps of companies do this in Aberdeen.



Do you not have the head wetting in the days after the birth? Preferably while the mither and bairn are still in the hospital?


I think that's the more traditional method but any organised head wetting piss up I've ever went to in the last few years has been a few months after the birth.

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The way to avoid hangovers is to stay on the batter ever day, I never get hangovers!


hangovers used to be a regul;ar occurance for me until i learned to drink like a man.


i'll sink 15+ pints for a meaningless champions league group game then punch in a fulls days graft at the coal face the following morning.


hangovers are for the weak.

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i'll sink 15+ pints for a meaningless champions league group game then punch in a fulls days graft at the coal face the following morning.


Aye right :laughing:


It's been a while since you came away with that pish.


Speaking of which, you pished yourself after three pints before a Man U vs Wolves game did you not?

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