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Karl Fletcher

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Back to zero I'm afraid, went into Sommerfields for some smokes and a case of Stella whispered my name when I walked past it. :(


I'm thinking of starting a 'Tup's Anonymous Corner' for the likes of yourself, Bluto, boofon and MT, the type who are too proud to ask for help directly, so that you can all log in by proxy and pour your hearts out under cover of a pseudonym.


I'm in the latter stages of negotiations with the mods to see if this is possible, double anonymity, so you log-in as daytripping, but then you login even further, and just get given a number like at Camp X-Ray, and then I can help you.


We can call 'Stella' a codename if you want, and discuss it as if it's just an innocent pastime, to give you comfort as you confront your raging alcoholism.


It's a winning idea.

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Good idea Tup. However, you may need to ask Bebo to develop a programme to disguise the posting style of the 'anonymous' poster. I think we would all catch on quite quickly if 'Poster A' asked for HELP with the growing CRACKS in his relationship, as he and his BIRD were constantly fighting over his INSISTENCE on staying out until 7am each weekend.

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Poster A wouldna exist.


They're going to be given a NUMBER.


And remain anonymous.


So say, for instance, it's poster NUMBER 2 (no pun intended), who says:


Dear Tup


I have a woryring fixation with Egnlish football.


Man United are the gretaset, Steive G is not fit to lace the obots of Rooney.






I don't think anyone would guess who it was just from the number, confidentiality is assured.

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Had a fair whack this weekend just past. Cousin was up visiting with his missus and announced he got engaged that day so 9 bottles of wine between 4 of us on Friday night kicked off the boozing.


Had a couple up visiting me and my missus for the weekend so we were out in Edinburgh from 11-9 on Saturday doing a pub crawl and watching the fitbaw, back into town on the Sunday for another pub crawl with them from 12-9.


Monday night, up at my folks for my birthday dinner, washed down with a couple bottles of red.


Then watching Scotland on Tuesday night, drives you to the drink! Had a few cans of Tennents Lager Export. (Quite enjoyed it incidentally, what's everyone else's view on it?)


Getting married in April, so going to try to cut down on my red wine / lager habit and get back into the gym. I love my red wine & beer, but my man boobs and expanding gut don't look good... So in answer to the topic, I rarely go more than two or three days without a wine or beer.

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It will be upcoming until boofon consults his favourite reference manual, 10,000 Ready Made Excuses for Faint Arsed Pricks.


Then it will be incessantly postponed until all those taking part lose the will to go on.


I would consult that book but as far as I'm aware you haven't posted anything to me yet. What were the other two books you promised me? :sheepdance:

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Thing is, I could out drink any of you guys and I'm only 21, I'm a seasoned drinker for someone so young, so really you should all just shut up.



i too was mixing with the big boys at your age. however id have 6 years experience at the top level by then.



serioulsy, some of my drinking back then was hollywood stuff, real big boy shit

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