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Evicting Student Tossers From A Flat


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I have a nice flat that is being ruined by some student tossers, I want to kick them out.


Where do I stand legally?


One of the blokes in particular is begging for a kicking, I know I could just lock them out but before I do that I want to beat this little fucker till he doesn't breathe any more, is this legal?


They've made a mess of my pad and I want them out!


tia for any advice, my current thinking is to head round there and destroy the cunts, any advice would be handy though.

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Get evidence of the damage they've caused i.e. photies.


That puts them in breach of their lease.


Provide them with a notice of lease termination stating clearly the end date of the agreement and the money due etc. i.e. two months which will be sent by registered mail i.e. signed for by them as proof of receipt.




If you want to be difficult in the meantime find out where they study - if its Aberdeen uni get in touch and tell them what their students are up to especially the student affairs/accommodation section.


If they still don't go then who is their guarantor? It's time to send that person, likely mum or dad a threatening letter asking for what you estimate the damage to the property to be.




get two or three friends, go round, and make them leave.

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Start a campaign of hate against him/them.


Ring and run for starters.

Graduate to a milk bottle on the door handle.

Try hoax phone calls.

Do a poo on the door mat. The may may say welcome the sight and smell won't.

Check to see if he plays the Acordian, if he does kick said Acordian.

Physical violence may ensue after that which is walking right into your arena.


Teach the student wank a lesson he'll never forget.

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Legally, if they've got a lease then you can boot them out, you can either serve them notice or just pack their bags. Give them 24 hours notice that you plan to visit the flat for a review. If its as fucked as your indicting go back with a locksmith and change the locks. If its unofficial agreement, cash and no paperwork, legal doesn't come into it and you can just kick their cunts in

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