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on ch4 now - location Aberdeen !



english accents abound of course, probably anti-bypassers/UTGers/Trumpers


noone lived here before oil as beautiful old granite buildings demonstrate.

Was quite interesting. Summary (mildly pished so may be askew somewhat):


A couple fae Kirkcaldy that were so stressed to be apart since i boy found a job in Ebberdeen.

They had

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you must be able to get something decent just outside of town for 200K, no?

Not in Scottish terms, a decent 3+ bed detached and you're way north of that, and you're looking to get away out to places like Alford before you'll get in for under the 200k mark, even then it'll be a Wiggy homes pile of poop like this http://www.stewartmilnehomes.com/silver-birches-abbery-mid.aspx

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Not in Scottish terms, a decent 3+ bed detached and you're way north of that, and you're looking to get away out to places like Alford before you'll get in for under the 200k mark, even then it'll be a Wiggy homes pile of poop like this http://www.stewartmilnehomes.com/silver-birches-abbery-mid.aspx


You'd get something in Newmachar or Blackburn for £200k easy enough.



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