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Radical Thinking

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Now that we've had it all but confirmed that our game is beyond redemption in terms of the endemic corruption therein, it's maybe time for us to stop the passivity that allowed this situation to come to pass in the first place.


We as a club and we as supporters have been shafted. We've been shafted for nearly 30 years, this is simply the culmination of it.


If we carry on regardless, we will continue to be shafted.


So it's time for some out of the box thinking.


I say, and I've maintained this since the extent of Rangers oldco's cheating came to light.


Aberdeen FC should resign from the SPL immediately, as should all the other clubs who feel marginalised.


If we are to get back round the table to discuss matters, we do it on our own terms, and to a fair and justifiable and transparent set of rules.


Any other thoughts on where we go from this sorry juncture?

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I think it all comes down to supporters of all teams getting together in a united stance that they will not stand for it any more.


If we hadn't done it last year Sevco would have been back in the SPL this season, I very doubt the clubs would have done anything about it if the fans hadn't raised so much fuss.


How you get a common message across all SPL fan groups i've no idea though, especially as the weegy press weill do nothing but rip the p!ss out of it

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I say that we need to do the dramatic act first, and then think about what we do afterward.


So resignation from corrupt Scottish football is, as far as I can see, the only feasible option if the club wishes to retain it's integrity in the eyes of it's own supporters, who after all keep them in business.


If they want advice on how to go about this, my door is always open.

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whats your feedback on mysuggestion?


it certainly sustainable in the long term


I don't think merging clubs, to form bigger ones, is the answer.


Simply because the problem we have at the moment is due to the power of the so-called big clubs in our country.


I'd be looking at the opposite solution - to dilute massively the power of those so-called big clubs until they were roughly the same size as those they are meant to 'compete' against.

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If the game does not have integrity, and those in charge are proven to be feeble, inept, and most damning, corrupt, then it's down to those who fund them to change it.


We hold ALL the power. To say we hold none is false.


For instance, if fans simply stopped turning up, i.e. no fans at a game of a weekend, that would serve as a crude but effective reminder that in effect the so-called powerbrokers at clubs are merely figureheads, who have no real influence at all, other than to self-serve their way through season upon mind-numbing season of dross.

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If we resign from the SPL how are we gonna pay off all our debts? Only the old new new old rangers sevco zombie huns dont have to pay back money


That's why the thread is titled 'Radical Thinking'.


Because to do so may sound radical, but it might also be the only thing that's feasible, to avoid the inevitable implosion of our game brought about by years of unpunished cheating.

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is the correct answer.


not only are we stuck with Milne at the helm but we are stuck in a corrupt league with nowhere to go.


You have to ask what the fucking point is when its clear to everyone that only two teams matter to the authorities in this country.


These things are all true, but I'm not looking for any further guidance on why we are where we are.


I know all that in intricate detail, and it's painful to recall it.


What I'm asking is what would your radical solution to these huge problems be?

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I only want serious answers.


So fuckoff.


i give you a serious answer but you just dismiss it.


i ask a pertinent q. but you just ignore it.


your suggestion of resigning isnt a suggeston at all because it doesnt change the game in sco one bit. you need to go back to the thinking board yoursel

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These things are all true, but I'm not looking for any further guidance on why we are where we are.


I know all that in intricate detail, and it's painful to recall it.


What I'm asking is what would your radical solution to these huge problems be?


I'd love to see every team except the OF resign from the SPL/SFL and form their own leagues and a new body to govern.


No invitation from either of those bastard organisations would be welcome. they'd be told to go an play in ireland or play each other 38 times a season.


I'd like us to employ a pyramid system to see ambitious clubs move up through the ranks - see County and Caley for examples.


We'd have strict financial fair play rules. All media money would be split between all clubs and no club would see a bigger share of coverage on TV or radio just because they have a bigger support.


the above is fucking dream though as those running the game here are too scared of losing the OF.

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Funny thing is this is exactly what is happening, we are halfway there already.


Of course that was the point I made in my post but you shot it down cause you want this thread to be the tup show.


Voting with our collective SPL feet would make a statement of course but the club seem unable/unwilling to do anything about the already piss poor crowds

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I'm even more disillusioned with scottish fitba that I was before


I really don't understand why anyone would come to the conclusion that rangers did not have a competitive advantage over other clubs during their EBT years. we all witnessed it, they took in some unbelievable talent on obscene wages and no matter how hard any one tried the huns were almost unstoppable because of it. yesterday is being painted as some sort of victory for rangers when in fact they have been found guilty. only in scotland would we such a thing.


with out some sort of solidarity and resignation by all clubs out with those bastard glasgow 2 then I don't see any way forward for the game in this country.


I predict that everything will remain the same except we will see clubs fall like we are seeing with Dunfermline and Hearts.............................. Celtic and Rangers will only grow stronger.


The worst part of it is that the authorities are happy for it to happen.

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These suggestions are not really very helpful.


What I'm looking for are viable proposals for how we move forward from this debacle, not criticism of how or why we ended up here in the first place.


Ok, get Celtic to resign with us and the rest will follow.

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What about the top six teams start the following season minus the points they finished above the seventh placed team at the split.


The top six teams take the most money but will be playing catch up from day one of the following season. Meaning that playing for a draw would be of no use to you if you were ten points down to start with.


(Puts flack jacket on).

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