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Giovanni Di Stefano - Epic Fail


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I think his decision to defend the likes of the Saddam Husseins of this world, gaining him the devil's advocate moniker, was key to this incredibly harsh sentence.


When you see their zeal with Assange, and Gary McKinnon, getting on the wrong side of the yanks is very bad news indeed.


I'm sure the spooks in the CIA seen his involvement with the huns as the straw that broke the camel's back.

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FAO Roberto (not even going to attempt to quote his post).


You seen the film Catch Me If You Can? Good film based on a true story.

Did Abignale nae come out a wee while after and say the biggest con he ever pulled was conning the publishers and film execs into believing his bullshit?



In 2002, Abagnale himself addressed the issue of his story's truthfulness with a statement posted on his company's website which said in part: "I was interviewed by the co-writer only about four times. I believe he did a great job of telling the story, but he also over-dramatized and exaggerated some of the story. That was his style and what the editor wanted. He always reminded me that he was just telling a story and not writing my biography."

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Apparently he approached Aberdeen before he worked with Dundee. The board at the time did not think his plans were sustainable.


Milne was right.


And instead we went with Milne's plan... which was slightly less unsustainable.



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