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Superior Folk - Are You One?


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I would consider myself superior to Huns, Tims & weegies also Dundonian's.


Eh consider myself superior to teuchters wi poor grammar skills.

Am nae a teuchter am Aberdonian i was born in Aberdeen & stayed their for 4/5 years.


Anyone born north of Dundee is a teuchter :happy:


Fair enough loon, your a sound loon though. :cheers:

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absurd concept RS? hardly

you analysibg it too much and taking it too literally.


its nae difficult to be better, kinder, nicer, superior whatever you want to call it to some of the dregs you see wandering the streets these days.


its surpriding how many nasty uneducated low lifes there are out there

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not something i could ever be described as i have to say.

Nobody has ever described another thus, as far as I'm aware.

Describing ones thinking as this is not the same as describing one as being such.

Precision of thinking not your bag of cantaloupes Bloots?

nae on here its not RS.


ill save my power thinking to more appropriate circles

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not something i could ever be described as i have to say.

Nobody has ever described another thus, as far as I'm aware.

Describing ones thinking as this is not the same as describing one as being such.

Precision of thinking not your bag of cantaloupes Bloots?

nae on here its not RS.


ill save my power thinking to more appropriate circles


I think that's a great post! :applause:

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The notion of splitting aspects of ones personality between the virtual and real, including reserving ones superior intellect for one and allowing the inferior thinking to run loose on the other, is invalid.


Seeking to justify ones insecurity this way when one has been caught red-handed, or empty-headed if you will, is quite common on tinternet.


I come here for a laugh and a chat but some people take it way too seriously and get abusive, on here I'm superior to them.


I like how bluto doesn't give a fuck about typos and spelling, it's a off topic fitba board, I applaud him and know for fact that he wouldn't be like that away from here, some use it as an angle to attack him, why?? who gives a ..........

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its just nae a medium thats condusive to serious debate rocket thats all.

that and the fact intellectual heavyweight topics tend to boring


Agreed! I'm not here to discuss the meaning of life or solve the Worlds problems.


Fuck you can't even start a light hearted music thread on here these days without some miserable cunt attacking you.


People should lighten up.

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No man is superior to another man. The very concept is absurd.


One will have a superior intellect, or be a better lover, a more nurturing father, a superior golfer etc. so there are specific aspects that one can be superior to another - important and trivial - but nobody IS superior to anyone else.


A thicko might say Gandhi is superior to that boy who burned some of his 87 kids. This is because the thicko's thinking is sludge like.



Interesting, you see thats where others see my downfall, I see everyone ( especially upper management, clients etc) as my equal, they done phase me, nor fear me, I speak openly and honestly...which in some cases dosent go down to well with some of the more "superiors" around the table...why is that?

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Agreed! I'm not here to discuss the meaning of life or solve the Worlds problems.


Fuck you can't even start a light hearted music thread on here these days without some miserable cunt attacking you.


People should lighten up.


Says the man moaning like a fishwive.

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Agreed! I'm not here to discuss the meaning of life or solve the Worlds problems.


Fuck you can't even start a light hearted music thread on here these days without some miserable cunt attacking you.


People should lighten up.


Says the man moaning like a fishwive.


I'm not moaning Tup, I'm telling you what I think, giving my perspective.


I'm not having a go at anyone, just airing my view, people can do what they want.

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The notion of splitting aspects of ones personality between the virtual and real, including reserving ones superior intellect for one and allowing the inferior thinking to run loose on the other, is invalid.


Seeking to justify ones insecurity this way when one has been caught red-handed, or empty-headed if you will, is quite common on tinternet.

It is indeed very weird rocket, especially as it's being propounded by the very people who claim that someone's personality on here will be identicaql to that of offline.


Except apparently in their case.



And people should stop taking this place seriously, again as Tup says, coming from the two biggest offenders, bizarre.


Still, they are superior to the rest of us, and it's good of them to admit as such, so I suppose we have to bow to their superior flip-flopping knowledge?

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I provide assistance across multiple threads, correct, but if it's a real problem i.e. one that is compromising life on planet earth for you, then 'Tup's Corner' is your most appropriate medium for airing your concerns if you want them dealt with swiftly.


If it's women's problems, like you need your gearbox taken out or stuff, then I'll admit I'm no expert, but I'll still give helping a bash.

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kelt, do you ever see axel foley when youre downtown?



Kelt has made it clear he avoids the blacks. The racist :angry:



See Axel Foley all the time, him and Robocop and Kid Rock are aye hanging around the Big Fist.


Detroit is the only city where visitors are greeted by a giant sculpture of a huge punch threatening to knock their fucking heads off...




As for black folks, I've nothing against the brothers and sisters, but they tend to do their own thing away from whitey. I've a few black friends, that's inevitable over here, but of course I don't leave them alone in a room if I have valuables laying around....


Just my little joke :checkit:


But no, I wouldn't hang out with your typical urban black folks in Detroit, and that's nothing to do with racism and everything to do with a healthy desire to keep on living.


Here's your typical inner-city black folks in Detroit... see if you can figure out your life expectancy hanging out down there trying to make black chums.



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