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The Mark Of A C*nt

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Being a hun

Being a tim

Nae standing yer hand in a round

Fucking up at work and blaming others for something that's clearly your fault

Spikkin to folk during the pictures

Being either Neil Doncaster, Stewart Regan, or the fuckwit that runs the SFL fuckwit whose name I can't remember


Any others?

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Nae tipping fan ye've had a decent meal

Americans fa claim their one- eighteenth Cherokee, as it somehow makes them hard as fuck

Talkin tough on a forum when in reality couldn't fight sleep


Hope you dinna mean me, cos I'll batter seven shades of shit out of you if you do. Your teeth will be flying down your throat like hail stones.

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Those who prey on the weak


Racist who say they aren't racist. Just man up and admit you're a racist.


The intrusively religious. Do NOT knock on my fucking door.


The stupid who flaunt their stupid like it's a badge of honour. Read a fucking book.


People who pop out sprogs like vermin, with no plan for making them productive members of society.


Guys who get chick shit done to them... eyebrows, nails, frosted tips, sticking your lips out like a cunt any time you get your picture taken... complete faggots who need a good kicking.


Homophobes... this does not conflict with the previous statement, I've checked.


People who can't do shit for themselves. Pick up a fucking hammer and hit something with it.


People who don't take a drink. Take a fucking drink.


People who tell you, "I don't own a television." like that's a good thing. Get a fucking telly.


Chicks who hit a guy in the belief they won't get a dunt on the beak. Hit me and you'll get a dunt on the beak... just fucking see if you don't.


Guys who can't scrap one on one.


Cunts who think its smart to be rude to you when you've just met them. Fuck you, and you'll be told that with more politeness than you used. But you'll be told.


...wait... this is just a list of shit I dislike... is that being deemed the same as 'cunts'?

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People with no manners and are generally just rude. Absolutely no need for it at all. Will normally always try and help someone if they're polite but if someone's rude they can get to fuck.


I think the workplace can bring out the worst in people. People that are cunts at work and then are ok outside of work and think that it's ok are the mark of cunts.

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