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Who'd You Have To Narrate Your Life Story?

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Fuck it......Tommy Cooper. Just for the sheer amount of dickery, randomness, and blind idiocy in my life. I can just imagine the opening line..."Granite Sheep was, by all accounts, a clever loon.... But daft as a brush...." cut to me destroying a light fitting by accident trying to play baseball indoors with a skateboard, "Just like that!"

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Kelt might speak like Hector Brocklebank for all you know.

I'd have Jax from Sons of Anarchy or Steven Seagal.

"...an 'at's fan a bocht twa futrits tae gerd ma neep gairden. A ca'ed thim, Tonald the futrit an Wullie the futrit. Tonald wis the Trendy, bit Wullie wis a scairfer..."


Now re-read that line in the voice of a more butch Optimus Prime and you have a handle on Kelt's voice-over talents.


Now imagine me mostly naked but for a loincloth and a glowing, magical sword, sitting astride a Battle Tiger and leading an army of Swedish supermodels into battle against a million evil robots armed with hammers.



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