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Fuck you, cunt. No man has ever handled my manhood...


but... funny you should say that... well, not very hilarious for me.


Had my first (full) finger up my arse the other day. Fuck, I almost passed out and nearly pissed the doctor's couch.


Fucking horrific experience. I was sure he was being deliberately coorse about it, the bastard.


Found fuck all too. Fuck knows what he was looking for but it was all a great discomfort for fuck all.

Then the nurse came in and said, looking at the door which your doctor just left from; 'Who was that?'

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the first two times a doctor put their finger up my arse they were female doctors. a completely unerotic experience I may add. the third time it was my local gp and he must have called me sir at least four times while doing it. I nearly said "please don't call me sir while doing that" it was a bit like the tailors in the fast show.


it's how I imagine it would feel like if you were shitting a thin bony jobby backwards.


luckily the last time I had a kidney stone they just gave me morphine and didn't do the anal digit rape.

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