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Do You Have A Favourite Child?


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For those that have more than one kid, do you have a favourite?


My wife is going to have our second child any day now - just a weird feeling that I will feel the same for this new kid as much as I do for my daughter. Surely some favouritism comes into play?


The chick next door to us has about six kids, maybe more, fuck knows.. I've lost count... but from my observations there is a great deal of neglect involved in multiple children.


I'm going to assume that's how it is with everyone.


Why did you decide to have more than one kid?

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It wasn't really a sit down and discuss type of decision. We certainly won't be having any more though. When I see folk like your neighbour I wonder how they cope. A bloke at my work's wife is pregnant - this will be their fifth kid. He says his wife wants 7 or 8! He's got a mini-bus for a car and keeps having to move house. Madness.

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It wasn't really a sit down and discuss type of decision. We certainly won't be having any more though. When I see folk like your neighbour I wonder how they cope. A bloke at my work's wife is pregnant - this will be their fifth kid. He says his wife wants 7 or 8! He's got a mini-bus for a car and keeps having to move house. Madness.


Parenthood wasn't something I had much real interest in at all. But for me it really was a sit down and talk about it thing. I eventually agreed to one and absolutely no more than one. The wife was fine with that.


Two I can understand, though. More than that just starts to look like carelessness or a lack of planning.


I don't know how people with a bunch of kids can even come close to catering to their needs, though. We've the one, and our time is taken up with hockey, swimming, fitba and Karate right now. That's four days a week, not even including the fact that this will be up to six days a week when fitba season starts. that's three days a week alone. We're still puzzling over how we're fitting in Snowboarding and Spanish lessons, given that's going to require 8 days in the week. And that's ONE kid.


The chick next door, and I imagine all tribe-sized families, just leave the poor little fuckers to their own devices, then they leave school and become unemployed chavs and a drain on the planet. Congratulations..


...Eastern Europeans, though. They like tracksuits, and fucking, and their dislikes are contraception and looking after their hordes of feral children.


Anyway, congratulations are in order.


Congratulations :)

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I have 3 and possibly/might go for 4 and I disagree with your viewpoint you beautiful Viking man.


My favourite at the moment is the youngest one, the oldest one is a cheeky shit. Middle is cool but turning into a cheeky shit.


My experience with tribes of kids is mostly based upon the Croats next door. It's a rental, and it's a fantastic glimpse into how people who seem to not give a fuck about anything live.


I doubt they even have a favourite kid... or if they can even remember how many kids they have. If they lose some in a house fie or to ethnic cleansing, well, fuck it, let's just shit some more out...


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It'll be different for everyone, first year of my oldest was like nightmare on elm street stuff. Then he got older and became cool as fk!


Second kid was a breeze first year and the way they interact and play is brilliant. I don't love them equally as they are different but I love them both. They both crack me up equally, kids are brilliant. Who cares if ones secretly your favourite.

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33. Made a decision about 17/18 not to have any kids until I reached 30 so i could have a life, travel, get pissed/stoned whatever. got 3 now...3rd one unexpected but wouldn't give him back for anything. I think having a favourite is a moving feast.


KELT- We've the one, and our time is taken up with hockey, swimming, fitba and Karate right now. That's four days a week, not even including the fact that this will be up to six days a week when fitba season starts. that's three days a week alone. We're still puzzling over how we're fitting in Snowboarding and Spanish lessons, given that's going to require 8 days in the week. And that's ONE kid.


Be interesting to see how your boy(?) turns out.

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I have three


all years are approx


0-2 years = up at night/nappies/watching them every minute

2-5 years= tantrams/terrible 2s or 3s whatever you call it

5-8 years best years in my opinion

8-12 years fighting with other parents/school over who did what to whom but generally good

12-15 years attitude especially if they have older brothers (time when you get the my pal has this/gets to go here himself etc)

16-18 adults and you still love them but sometimes you want them to get to fuck

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33. Made a decision about 17/18 not to have any kids until I reached 30 so i could have a life, travel, get pissed/stoned whatever. got 3 now...3rd one unexpected but wouldn't give him back for anything. I think having a favourite is a moving feast.


KELT- We've the one, and our time is taken up with hockey, swimming, fitba and Karate right now. That's four days a week, not even including the fact that this will be up to six days a week when fitba season starts. that's three days a week alone. We're still puzzling over how we're fitting in Snowboarding and Spanish lessons, given that's going to require 8 days in the week. And that's ONE kid.


Be interesting to see how your boy(?) turns out.

You can never be sure.

I recall reading about an American fitba coach who regimented every aspect of his loon's life in order to create a super athlete. Everything from food intake to sleep patterns and exercise were pre-planned, and it actually worked.


The kid was an award winning athlete, and won a footballing scholarship at the college of his choice.


The loon seemed destined for great things until... he discovered weed. Then he became a pot heid. Game over.


We're nothing like that, but we make sure he doesn't drink carbonated sugar-water like Coke and Pepsi, make sure there's no artificial sweetener or MSG or HFCS in his food. We spread out his immunisations, because the hospitals here like to stick ludicrous amounts of chemicals into babies before they even leave the hospital for the first time.


We opted out of certain immunisations just because they weren't necessary. An immunisation for sickness and the shits... seriously? You give a kid lucozade and a roll of toilet paper for that, not a fucking innoculation.


He loves sport, and any time he sees a new sport he wants to try it out, hence the snowboarding at the end of this year. He has Wii aand PS3, but he's never inside to play them... he's either outside in the pool or riding his bike or launching himself off his trampoline. I was worried he had a hyperactivity disorder, but the doctor says, nah, your kid just has a shitload of energy. Hyperactivity would mean him being unable to pay attention in school, but in his last test he was ranked in the top 1%.


He's like a wee Terminator, and I reckon we're doing everything possible to make him able to look after himself and contribute to society.


Of course, once he discovers drink, drugs and fanny that could all go out the window.


The neighbour, on the other hand, barely seems to know where her kids all are at any one time, and it's possible all 50 of them grow up to be super-genius athletes, like a Mike Tyson - Stephen Hawking hybrid.


You just never know, but the least your kid deserves is your full attention, and a plan to make him or her ready to kick the world square in the balls when the time comes, rather than have it the other way around.

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I have 4. Had our first aged 28. Can't believe some of the shite I'm reading here. Like you can't love more than one? Fucking madness. Mine are doing stupendously well in life cos they're fucking superb human beings. I don't have any favourites but my youngest may be the best of the lot in terms of magnetism and loved by the most human beings. She's not going to be an academic superstar like her sisters but she's a fucking magic person. And my son can batter almost every poster on here. Apart from me. And possibly dayts. But he's strong as fuck and I'm proud of who he is.

Obviously all down to a good old fashioned upbringing.My hat is dothed to thee rs

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