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Small Facts That Blow My Mind


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Fuck, small things amaze me every day. I'm back at uni, doing a Bachelor of Science degree and though I'm having a hard time at the moment (the brain sometimes freezes once you start ticking the 35-45 box) there are enough moments that make me just sit back and you wow, WTF.


Take for instance the fact that if I fired a bullet horizontally, it would more or less hit the ground at the same time as if I had dropped it.


Small facts like this (well important ones really as our world would be very different if this weren't true) blow my mind on an almost daily basis.


Gotta love science....but its a mind fuck..... and this is just scraping the surface.

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You've over-simplified this scenario to an unrealistic level.


This would only be true if you were to drop/fire this bullet in a vacumn.


Yep precisely my thoughts, also depends on what type of gun you fire, a sniper rifle for example is capable of a kill from more than a mile away, it will take about 3 seconds for the bullet to hit the target.

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I remember my physics teacher at school telling me if you shot a monkey in a tree, and the monkey let go of the branch of the tree the same time you fired, it would still get shot (owing to what you just pointed out)



How did you end up in the states in the first place? Quite like your story about quitting work and your wife is a uni prof.


my physiocs lecturer told me 4 years worth of stuff. just a shame i was too busy to attend 90% of the time.

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As good as on planet Earth but yes completely variable throughout the Solar System and beyond.


For the experiment planet Earth would logistically be the best place to conduct the experiment. Above water not in it.




I just wanted to throw out that Acceleration due to Gravity isn't a constant.


If we are to try the experiment though, can 'bluto' be shot?

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