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Cup joy aside, i have just had my nose pishing blood for the last hour because of some prick on union terrace . Only asked where the taxi rank was this time of night and got a right smack in the nose, Is it you or someone you know? Some dirty pikey/mink? Or some hard man picking on a drunk? (me). Please make me aware of it.


Total fud regardless. (but) Would love the opportunity to smack him back, even it up a wee bit.


Got anything similar to share ?

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Cup joy aside, i have just had my nose pishing blood for the last hour because of some prick on union terrace . Only asked where the taxi rank was this time of night and got a right smack in the nose, Is it you or someone you know? Some dirty pikey/mink? Or some hard man picking on a drunk? (me). Please make me aware of it.


Total fud regardless. (but) Would love the opportunity to smack him back, even it up a wee bit.


Got anything similar to share ?


If you take a right on Union Street then there's one outside the graveyard, alternatively, if you'd rather go left there's one outside Soul.

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Our last bus would be going through / Past


Tillydrone, Woodside, Logie, Bucksburn and have the dycers on it too..........


It was safer walking,

Have seen some superb scraps on that bus over the years. I mind, the Bowman's fae bucksy getting smashed all over it, are they both dead yet? Ken one is.

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I like how he took time out from his pushing nose bleed to recommend a restauran...

:laughing: noticed that too.


Seems to be becoming more and more common,


Wouldnt dream about walking through aberdeen on my own at nights anymore.


This from a boy who used to walk hame from toon.

:gay: Do you need a chaperone, ask Mini, his combos will take down any would be assailant :thumbup1:


Speaking of getting a doing, seen a thing on fb earlier mentioning auld Norman Goldie and remember him getting a battering off some cunt one night and it being mentioned on here. Is he still on the go, folk on that thread were saying they see him about, but I was sure it had been said on here he was deid now?

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Speaking of getting a doing, seen a thing on fb earlier mentioning auld Norman Goldie and remember him getting a battering off some cunt one night and it being mentioned on here. Is he still on the go, folk on that thread were saying they see him about, but I was sure it had been said on here he was deid now?


I once knocked him clean to the ground at Tynecastle.


True story.

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