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Worst Bastards You've Fought Against In Video Games

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Summoning Karstaag mission in Skyrim (with the Dragonborn DLC) - Massive Snow Beast/Ghost who takes multiple hits for minimum damage (an utter bastard to kill)


14th colossus in Shadow of the Colossus


Final enemy on the Arcade "House of the Dead"


While not a particular enemy as such, making it past the first level of Overlander on the Atari ST is/was virtually impossible


The gun pit in Dead Space 1 (half way through Level 3) The controls (with the PS3) made the guns so jerky, it was frustratingly tricky to aim the lasers at the asteroids.

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Regarding Manic Miner - I could make it to Eugene's Lair before losing all lives that were left. I had to watch the Youtube video to see the whole thing being completed.

I got a cheat in a magazine that gave you infinite lives and managed to complete it that way.


If Eugene's lair was the one with the toilets then yes that's where I used to fail also.

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