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Aberdeen Debt

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My pal was at a function with dept Chairman and few other members of the board up in Hopeman last Thursday they asked heap of questions this is what they got back


They wouldn't say much about transfers all they did say was that they will be making more signings and that McInnes does all his signing really secretly only coming to them when deal is done.


They all also said that the debt would be paid off in next year, this i was really suprised about thought it was 10 million....


They were very happy with What McInnes has done the whole training dept has been changed this we know but they mentioned it couple times he said.


Just passing on the message like don't shoot the messenger

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Ha ha ha ha

They said that the income for the year is 10-11 million someone must have out some money in....

£10m-£11m turnover would be great news. 25%+ increase


£7.9m in 2013

£8.3m in 2012


If figures correct then likely a £1m-£2m profit for the season which is what we would hope with the much better league attendances and cup runs

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Was there myself and can confirm that he did say this and quoted a timescale of 2-3 months. Made it clear that he would be unable to answer any other direct questions on the subject as negotiations with the bank were at an advanced stage.


It is impossible for an eight figure debt to disappear without one of two things happening.


Either Pittodrie is sold or there is a substantial injection of new funds.


The former leaves us homeless and penniless. The latter would involve a major change in share restructuring and ownership.


Quite what any investor would get for his many millions is beyond me.

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