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Zola Leaves Pittodrie

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So just like Wylde, he was let go without a payoff because he had something else lined up.


Stoneybloke in speaking nonsense shocker.

There is nothing in the fact that he has signed for Stevenage that suggests he DID NOT have some form of financial settlement form Aberdeen. In fact his agent would be completely incompetent if he went away with nothing.

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There is nothing in the fact that he has signed for Stevenage that suggests he DID NOT have some form of financial settlement form Aberdeen. In fact his agent would be completely incompetent if he went away with nothing.


His agent is doing something right if Zola and professional footballer are mentioned in the same breath.



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The GWT will have had something to do with all of this..........His racist character shines through all the time..........fatty Brown was the first.........now Magennis and Zola are out the door..........the only reason is they are darkies.............

Oh aye........hun filth..........chief...........Ollie is a wanker.........

Poor chief...poor
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I suspect he's trying to push the "McInnes cost us money by signing Zola" angle for whatever reason.


Managers make mistakes, best thing he can do is realise it, fix it and move on which he's done.



Agreed. He has done well to bin him & admitted he fkd up basically. All managers have some fkd up signing (even the best managers) but there is no denying that Zola got far more games than he should have for Aberdeen. Was plain to see he was shite but McInnes tried to convince us all he hadn't fkd up by signing him when he clearly had.


Glad we can condemn Zola to our list of previous players. He was utter tripe.

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Top post 360...as usual


Lets face it fella


You, a true dandy, was accused of being a "hun" because of your views on the GWT/GWB


You were also right about the pathetic hun filth Hughes, as well as the GBS (Gentleman Back Scratcher) Gavin Rae..


As I said at the time, the posters who were found to be wrong (afc_blockhead et al) owe you an apology.

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