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Cocaine Use In Scotland Highest In World


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Cocaine use in Scotland is higher than anywhere else in the world, a United Nations report has found.
The annual UN study found more people per head of population use the drug here than in any other nation.
One in 42 Scots use the Class A drug compared with one in 50 people in England and Wales, revealing Scotland as one of the party drug capitals of the world.
The UN World Drugs Report puts Scotland ahead of Australia, USA, Uruguay and Spain in terms of cocaine use and also ranked Scotland as third globally in terms of ecstasy use.
Ecstasy use was higher only in Australia and New Zealand with England and Wales ranked fifth.

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Football chants are certainly sung a lot faster than they used to be when I was young ('89~'90 season).


I've always put that down to cocaine.


People moan that 'Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen' is a boring, unimaginative chant.


I like it.


How many times have you stood at the fitba, wanting to join in with a sing-song, but you're not sure what the words are?


Never had that problem with Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen.

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1 in 42? No chance. If 1 in 42 Scots were regularly using coke, we'd have cartels fighting with machine guns in city centres and mass beheadings like Columbia and Mexico. Load of shite.


But if it's true, I might consider a change of career... :itch-chin:

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1 in 42? No chance. If 1 in 42 Scots were regularly using coke, we'd have cartels fighting with machine guns in city centres and mass beheadings like Columbia and Mexico. Load of shite.


But if it's true, I might consider a change of career... :itch-chin:


You get me some stuff for about 5.25pm the morn?



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