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Cocaine Use In Scotland Highest In World


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Was a Hoochi Thursday and Sunday night regular for years an went to every legal or illegal rave on the go for years, wouldn't like to tally my drug use in those days but honestly do believe it affected my long term mental health, great days and I wouldn't change a thing but if you're taking fucking amazing drugs it does come with downsides long term.


I'd never say to my daughter never to try them but I would tell her the downsides.


Fucking great days, that will never change, a 20 sheet snowball would make you feel like you'd be happy to die as things could never get better. Great crowd of people as well, was never any trouble and you ended up in random houses all over town when the clubs shut. Unlike most who gave it up I could separate that life from football and was still a mentalist come Saturday. :cool: The best days ever but it was a short shelf life, I sometimes only slept a couple nights a week.

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I got ten oh the red biscuits that killed the Girl in the Arches in Glasgow last Christmas and they were fucking mental. I took one out in the trash disco in Aberdeen and I was in a right condition ended up having full blown conversation with the Christmas tree in the house after taking another one I was escorted to bed where I trapped around ma bed for couple oh hours before I straightened up enough to be allowed back into the company of others.


My jaw was in agony next day must oh been pulling some afa coupons.


Good night though

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Was a Hoochi Thursday and Sunday night regular for years an went to every legal or illegal rave on the go for years, wouldn't like to tally my drug use in those days but honestly do believe it affected my long term mental health, great days and I wouldn't change a thing but if you're taking fucking amazing drugs it does come with downsides long term.


I'd never say to my daughter never to try them but I would tell her the downsides.


Fucking great days, that will never change, a 20 sheet snowball would make you feel like you'd be happy to die as things could never get better. Great crowd of people as well, was never any trouble and you ended up in random houses all over town when the clubs shut. Unlike most who gave it up I could separate that life from football and was still a mentalist come Saturday. :cool: The best days ever but it was a short shelf life, I sometimes only slept a couple nights a week.


Did you ever end up at Pete McQueen's flat on King Street? I remember one night at about 2.30am the music was stopped and an announcement made 'if yer not dancing, get out!'. To be fair, there were usually about 150 people squeezed into a one bed flat. Always used to be someone at the window looking out for the old bill. If they pulled up outside, any lights that were on would be turned off and about 150 folk would stand motionless, in silence, in the dark, until they drove off. Then it would be cranked up to full volume again. Now, looking back, it was a bit anti social but luckily the old guy in the flat downstairs was deaf so slept though it all! Hahahah!

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  • 2 years later...

How much biff?


A quarter would be gone in 8 hours.


Just an o, I'm a lot less game than I used to be.

it'll be done by 2 or so.

Got to run the missus to her hen shine so it'll be 8 before I can smash the bottle of Hennessy I picked up. An evening of trying to remember how to mix tunes before slumping in a drunken mess in bed when the biff wears off and all thats left is the drunken feeling.

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Just an o, I'm a lot less game than I used to be.

it'll be done by 2 or so.

Got to run the missus to her hen shine so it'll be 8 before I can smash the bottle of Hennessy I picked up. An evening of trying to remember how to mix tunes before slumping in a drunken mess in bed when the biff wears off and all thats left is the drunken feeling.


Sounds like a smashing evening to me

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