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Fitba Iphone Game


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Hi all,


Sorry to bother you all with my shameless advertising but I've spent the last 6 months creating a football game for the iPhone. This is my 3rd game on the iPhone (and my last 'cos no one downloads the things) so I thought I'd post in case anyone want to try. As a massive fan of the old Champy Manager series I've become a little detached from the latest incarnations.


Don't know if it's the overly realistic elements, lack of time or my ageing PC but I just can't seem to get as much joy as I used to. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic game if you can devote weeks of your life to it but I was looking for a game that I could play on the train/bus/toilet and still get the satisfaction of turning a small club into world-beaters so I created my own.


The game is called Football Owner and it's more about developing the club over the years rather then managing the team. More chairman than manager really, so it's all about balancing the books, avoiding debt, buying/selling players.. that type of stuff.


It's already in the AppStore https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/football-owner/id892025534 and it's free.

Any questions just let me know.


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