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George Square Bin Lorry Crash


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dont see the problem.. Im sure if it was Aberdeen there would be a rally cry of togetherness aswell and no doubt this probably happened in the aftermath of PA.............its just words..if it helps bring people together then relax ................take the Aberdonian chip off your shoulder Bri

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Don't agree with the insinuation that "only in Glasgow" would people react like that, as if it happened in Aberdeen or Edinburgh folk would've just walked on by or something.


Even in Glasgow people were still disturbed enough to whip out their phones and video the aftermath.

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Not really. When have you ever seen a single binman in a lorry. It's at very least a 3 man operation.

The days of binman 2 and 3 hanging off the back of the lorry are long gone. Thanks to the likes of boofon and his health and safety cronies.

Now they all sit huddled in a cab doing fuck all and complaining about it.

Not really sure of the point im making, but I've made it anyway.

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The whole thing is very tragic.


But what I also find tragic is that minutes after it happened, someone went out of their way to make a facebook page and a few images of a candle and fired it around Social Media.


I honestly believe there are people out there who THRIVE on this kind of thing. They look for ways to gain self promotion and indulge in their own puerile need for attention by producing this shit and passing it off as if they actually care and are making a difference.


Sending around an image of a candle WILL NOT help. It might make you feel better about yourself, it might even make you think that you've "done your bit" but it doesn't. All you are doing is feeding the emotionally deprived individuals who live on Facebook likes.


You can care about something without having to go out of your way to tell people, who aren't even involved in the whole thing, that you care.

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The whole thing is very tragic.


But what I also find tragic is that minutes after it happened, someone went out of their way to make a facebook page and a few images of a candle and fired it around Social Media.


I honestly believe there are people out there who THRIVE on this kind of thing. They look for ways to gain self promotion and indulge in their own puerile need for attention by producing this shit and passing it off as if they actually care and are making a difference.


Sending around an image of a candle WILL NOT help. It might make you feel better about yourself, it might even make you think that you've "done your bit" but it doesn't. All you are doing is feeding the emotionally deprived individuals who think feed on Facebook likes.

Do you think Langfield will offer to shave his head and then back out of it like he did when the chopper hit the boozer?

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I would say the reason the phrase "especially at this time of year" get's used is because it's meant to be a "joyous" happy time of year for the whole family to get together. I also think it means that they will always associate Christmas with the tragedy, especially if it's true that a family lost two grandparents and a grandchild. Heart breaking at any time of year, but it will ever be remembered at Christmas every year for the rest of their lives.

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The days of binman 2 and 3 hanging off the back of the lorry are long gone. Thanks to the likes of boofon and his health and safety cronies.

Now they all sit huddled in a cab doing fuck all and complaining about it.

Not really sure of the point im making, but I've made it anyway.

Sounds like you're trying to pin the blame on me you big cunt.


I'm having fuck all to do with it.


Bin lorries are an extravagance in Glasgow anyway given all that's ever in them is dead rats.

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Two things as I haven't had time to read thru all you lads' efforts.


1/. There is definitely something rook about the driver. Drunk/suicidal/iSIS whatever.


2/. The bbc coverage about 9.30 this morning was utterly shocking. Some local dignitary took it upon himself to point out that this proved beyond doubt that Glasgow was miles better. Like the people of anywhere else would have stood back, or thrown children, puppies or nuns in its path. Very noticeable that by 11.30 john Beattie was going out of his way to say that the same benevolence would have happened elsewhere. They obviously took heavy flak PR wise.

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Two things as I haven't had time to read thru all you lads' efforts.


1/. There is definitely something rook about the driver. Drunk/suicidal/iSIS whatever.



I agree with this, just too coincidental for this to happen where it did at this time of year, it may be unfounded and turn out to be a tragic accident but I doubt it, not only happening where it did but in the manner it happened, how often do you hear of someone taking ill at the wheel and hammering the accelerator down in the process.


Few similar things happening in France as well, will be interesting to see if the driver is a mossie.

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Someone I know was there when it happened. A female was basically cut in two.

I'd imagine a lot of witnesses will need some help.

I was working at Oldmachar medical practice earlier this year when that lady got hit by the lorry. Brains across the road min. People suffer PTSD from these things for years. Then again, some folk wank off to them.

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Again apologies if this has been covered before but is anyone else not struck by the complete blackout of CCTV footage? George square must be swarming with cameras.


EDIT: not that I'm suggesting any of you heroes would ever have checked out the location and viewing circumference of CCTV in George square.


And why is my ironic patronising winksmiley not working on this pissing iPhone?

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To be fair it's a minor point considering the scale of what actually happened, just think that good people are good people regardless of where they're from or where they live and would help in the same way.


Would imagine I'd feel the same way if something similar happened up the road and similar things were being said mate.


I dont think anyone has said that only folk in Glasgow would folk help others, but after whats happened they should be allowed to talk their city up, pretty sure the same thing happened in london after the bombings.

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Pretty sure they would have been shiteing themselves wandering what the fuck is going on as they thundered into pedestrians.

Would you have calmly saved the day and pulled off an expertly timed move like that before anyone got hurt?

Nae idea. You never know how you'll react in a crisis it just seems surprising they werent able to stop the truck sooner? They maybe tried in vain to stop it, just surprised it managed to travel so far with two (presumably) alert people in the cab.

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