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Return Of The Deck


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I use the defaults.


I'm nae saying there ain't a difference just the cons outweigh the slight quality improvement in vinyls.


I do like the romantic crackle though; would really suit the Jonny ace song pledging my love.



I'm the same, I don't really notice a huge difference unless the quality is really shit. Otherwise, I haven't noticed any difference between MP3 and CD. I'm sure if you were to listen to the music through headphones or a sound system worth thousands you'd hear differences, but not through bog standard headphones.

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Anyswer me this vinyl geeks.

Why is it better than the obvious comparison of a CD?

Vinyls are massive. Size wise.

Vinyls are expensive.

Vinyls have no track skip/select/repeat function

Vinyls run on odselte non supported hardware

Get with the programming old men, vinyl died years ago.

CDs or mp3s or anything else like that are digital, ie made up of 1s and 0s (on or off), vinyl is analogue which provides a richer fuller sound by not missing out parts of the music to fit in a digital code.

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