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Robbie Winters

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When I was a loon I was always been given money from relatives, friends of the family and sometimes even strangers.

50p here, a pound there and if some occassions a few quid, especially if they had a fair skite in them. Always with a wee pat on the head and "go and get yerself summit" or "hide that fae yer ma"


Nowadays you hardly come across that and I am genuinely feart to hand across anything in case it is taken the wrong way.

Are folk just more grippy or is it just to sinister ?











Disclaimer: On no occassion did I do anything untoward to solicit the cash !!

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My daughter always seems to have money, has just broken a £100 note that she was carrying since Christmas, seems to do well out of birthdays and Christmas cash wise.


Can't say I recall getting money as a kid, did a paper round for money, £7 for 7 mornings and 6 nights, was a crap job but had to keep the wolf from the door.

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When I was a loon I was always been given money from relatives, friends of the family and sometimes even strangers.

50p here, a pound there and if some occassions a few quid, especially if they had a fair skite in them. Always with a wee pat on the head and "go and get yerself summit" or "hide that fae yer ma"


Nowadays you hardly come across that and I am genuinely feart to hand across anything in case it is taken the wrong way.

Are folk just more grippy or is it just to sinister ?











Disclaimer: On no occassion did I do anything untoward to solicit the cash !!


We could nip this in the bud by saying kids are spoilt little cunts with shit parents.


When 4 year olds are now getting iPads and iPhones for Xmas the innocent 50p means fuck all to them.


Big gatherings like weddings were the jackpot for filling up with pound coins as a nipper.


If you're talking about a wee quid for a mix-up or some pokemon cards then I think we're well out of that generation but I disagree if you mean money in general. Agree with cheesepipes, parents are throwing money and electronics about left, right and centre to compensate for time or just as failed bribery.


I always thought I did alright at birthdays and Christmas growing up but some of the figures of cash my mates would come out with was ridiculous. They would be getting a couple grand and I'd come out with a scalextric or something.


It's the same with cars or houses these days. I'm 23 and most of them are driving around in a new motor every six or so months funded by their parents, while I get handed a 1997 baby blue volkswagen polo because nabedy else wants it.


All in all, parents are too quick to throw money at their kids IMO.

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We've had placement students at our work the last 2 years, so I think that's 3rd year at university. Both have had new cars with personal plates. When I was at college I had to get the bus.


I used to get a £5 cheque from my granny for birthdays and Christmas because she thought if she sent cash then the postie would know what was in the envelope and nick it.

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When I was a kid, the only things thrown at me were right hooks, glass ashtrays or anything else that was in reach (anything other than money). Ahhh.. the good old days when life was less materialistic and parents were allowed to be sadists.


I remember my mother savagely beating me with a brass alarm clock. Another time she threw a shoe off my face. Did me fuck all harm.


Anyway, what were we talking about?

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When I was a loon I was always been given money from relatives, friends of the family and sometimes even strangers.

50p here, a pound there and if some occassions a few quid, especially if they had a fair skite in them. Always with a wee pat on the head and "go and get yerself summit" or "hide that fae yer ma"


Nowadays you hardly come across that and I am genuinely feart to hand across anything in case it is taken the wrong way.

Are folk just more grippy or is it just to sinister ?











Disclaimer: On no occassion did I do anything untoward to solicit the cash !!



Give me or you 50p when we were kids and we'd get 50 wee sweeties for it

Give a kid a fiver these days and they want another £55 for FIFA 15


Little bits of cash are wasted on them, they dont appreciate it and even if they do they get fuck all for it.

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I never got pocket money. Well, I did one week - but my sister persuaded me to give it to her - saying she would give me her share the following week. She spent it on shite at RS McColls - later my Ma asked where the money was - when we told her it was gone she flipped and said we were never getting pocket money again. It was 50p.


I would like to say I don't spoil my kids - but I'd be lying. If my wee girl wants an Elsa doll - despite having 6 already - she'll get it. I should be more disciplined, but hey-ho I take the easy way out. She told me last night I was getting an invite to her birthday party because I'm her favourite boy in the world. She is only about to turn 3, but I'm happy to take compliments when they come my way. As for cash - I'll try my best to make both the kids save - but lets face facts - when my loon is old enough to want a season ticket for Pittodrie and it opens the door for me to go to the fitba every week and have plenty boozy afternoons / evenings, then who am I to say no?


I am a great believer in the old addage "you can't take it with you." I'd rather see my kids enjoy my money than be completely unaware of their joy if they get it once I'm deid.

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When I was a loon I was always been given money from relatives, friends of the family and sometimes even strangers.

50p here, a pound there and if some occassions a few quid, especially if they had a fair skite in them. Always with a wee pat on the head and "go and get yerself summit" or "hide that fae yer ma"


Nowadays you hardly come across that and I am genuinely feart to hand across anything in case it is taken the wrong way.

Are folk just more grippy or is it just to sinister ?











Disclaimer: On no occassion did I do anything untoward to solicit the cash !!

Thon paedo on Sotra in the papers a while back has never been caught.....

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We could nip this in the bud by saying kids are spoilt little cunts with shit parents.


When 4 year olds are now getting iPads and iPhones for Xmas the innocent 50p means fuck all to them.


Big gatherings like weddings were the jackpot for filling up with pound coins as a nipper.


You couldna beat a decent scramble, could fair make a pound out of that, which was spent immediately.

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The elsa dolls will turn into iPhones and iPads then expensive inappropriate clothing and before you know it she's hanging around with much older boys and she will forget all about the dolls and will hate you if you say anything about it cause she spoiled.


Nip it in the bud now Chutney before it's too late.


Gateway Dolls.

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