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Fa's The Hardest?

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fa is the hardest on afc-chat? if you think it's yersel fits yer credentials?


I can boast:


  • Kincorths hardest 2003-2009
  • Knocked oot 14 huns in Lauders, Glasgow on a Tuesday morning circa 2004
  • Never failed to lift £120 worth of Iceland shopping up 3 flights of stairs in one go
  • Can open bottles of Stella with ma teeth


Scraps can be arranged

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Me, I'm an idiot that enjoys getting kicked and punched in the face, had a gold club wrapped around my shins which I laughed off, had my face danced on last year which again I laughed off, I'd rip almost anyones jaw off with 2 punches.

You were obviously battered by a very wealthy golfer.

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fa is the hardest on afc-chat? if you think it's yersel fits yer credentials?


I can boast:


  • Kincorths hardest 2003-2009
  • Knocked oot 14 huns in Lauders, Glasgow on a Tuesday morning circa 2004
  • Never failed to lift £120 worth of Iceland shopping up 3 flights of stairs in one go
  • Can open bottles of Stella with ma teeth


Scraps can be arranged






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Getting battered all the time is an admirable skill but not what the OP is after.

In my opinion no one ever wins a fight.

Not when its a bully against the class geek.

As long as you stand up to your assailant then you've done all that's expected.


For being hard; hard people never throe their weight around simply because they are, in italics, hard.

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The key words in your post.

When younger. I'm 29 next month and married with a wee one, folk grow up.

I'm a lover nowadays barring few minor incidents recently that were down to drink.

Fuck fighting.

You cannot hide from your past min.

Face up to it like a man.

You've been a grown man for a decade and a half min.

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Not I


Lost a couple of times to bigger cunts and groups of lads


However, I was always game and never backed down or gave up


I think it's possible that I may be a bit brain damaged after 20 years of scrapping


Decked a couple of bouncers, threw a boy in front of a moving taxi and attacked a stagger by myself - are the jewels in my crown.


I am at peace with the world now.

Attacked a stagger, hahaha


Aberdeen was safer when you were around

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