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Fa's The Hardest?

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I 99% agree with that.


Things like Karate and Judo teach you self-discipline, and get you used to the idea of swinging kicks and punches. The loon got into a fight at a birthday party on Sunday, and thought nothing about battering back into the kid who swung a punch at him. A martial art will give a kid the confidence to get into a scuffle and throw some good punches. That's half the battle.


In a couple of years time he'll come to Krav Maga with me, the only martial art worth a fuck, and actually learn how to batter someone properly.

Fag manga is a joke min.

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Sober, I've never been bested. I'm not bullshitting and I don't care if you believe me or not. When pished it may have been borderline.... fair enough.....it's debatable.. but I'll hold my hands up - I'm no Mike Tyson when I've had a good skoosh, who is? But even pished I've never backed down and never will. I'd rather take a proper hiding than run away - a belief that stood me in good stead during the 80s and 90s as an Aberdeen Soccer Casual.


BTW what's happened to the OP? Is he still locked up after his would-be Frigate rampage? Or was that all hot air????

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fa is the hardest on afc-chat? if you think it's yersel fits yer credentials?


I can boast:


  • Kincorths hardest 2003-2009
  • Knocked oot 14 huns in Lauders, Glasgow on a Tuesday morning circa 2004
  • Never failed to lift £120 worth of Iceland shopping up 3 flights of stairs in one go
  • Can open bottles of Stella with ma teeth


Scraps can be arranged


it is not me.

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