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If You Were To...


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...do a TED talk.


Wha subject matter would you do it on and what wonderful insights would you give the world on that topic.


Personally I would probably do mine on our view of failure and the negativity towards it.


But what would YOU talk about.


Feel free to film your presentation and post a link here. 10 minutes maximum.

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You want my talk for free?


Fuck off min. I get paid for mine.


Only those of us who have something to say get paid for talking.


Love TED talks. So much class there.

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What is your talk about?


Depends on what your audience needs.


I cut and paste four or five times a year, but I ALWAYS deliver.


Audience, objective.


That's all I need to know.


Plus getting paid before I get off my arse, natch.

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