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Minutes Applause At St. Johnstone Game

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My personal opinion is this type of shite shouldnt be brought into a fitba stadium, keep the faux grief for facebook.



Based on what you said, 4 Aberdeen fans die every week.


Could be why we never get our average above 14K no matter how well we're doing in the league?



2 a week, based on a home game every alternate week or thereabouts.


Do you suffer from Aspergers?


I think you mean dyscalculia. Not to be confused with the Count... One, ha ha ha, two ha ha ha



I'll get my virtual coat.

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Based on what you said, 4 Aberdeen fans die every week.


Most recent life expectancy - 81.5 years.


Amount of home games a season - say 25 max


Aberdeen fans who at some point in their life have been regulars - Take a low estimate at 15,000


Aberdeen fans dying on average between games - 15,000/81.5/25 = 7.3


They may not be regulars any more as they may give up going in their old age, but still would be daft to think 4 is a low number.

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I'd say buying a drink for someone was more of a tribute. The gadgie was never away from the bar buying me drinks. Never took one in return either. Absolute toff of a guy who, as @@ollie1903 hadn't a clue about fitba, but definitely a big fan. Out of the 3, he's certainly the more worthy of a tribute but I still think it's getting excessive. 95% of the people clapping won't have a clue who it's for or even that someone had passed. I just don't get why you'd want other people to "grieve" for someone they didn't know. Norman Goldie, a fan of that ilk or someone that was connected with the club yes, but for someone that very few people knew, I just don't understand it.

Was thinking the other day about fans of high ilk.

Is the boy or mannie known as "Punk" still on the go ? Was a real Beach End Boy

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I wasnt promoting sooking up, I was just suggesting maybe not criticise the guy on hearing of his death.


If you told someone a friend or relative had died, you would expect a bit of empathy, not "oh him? he was a fanny"!


Yeah but I am a fanny & like so, most of my friends are fannies, so I would expect exactly that kind of comment to be fair.


Certainly wouldn't cry if someone said one of my dead mates was a bit of a fanny. Would actually find it quite funny, as (I expect) would my dead friends.


I am speaking from VAST experience because around three or four of my friends die during most games.

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All the folk moaning smacks of those cunts that say I tell it like it is I call a spade a spade a spade.

No mate, you're just a rude prick.

If folk have nowt good to say its best to say nothing.

I liked that post. Very sentimental. It would probably be enough to get me into the sack

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