Poodler Posted September 16, 2016 Share Posted September 16, 2016 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3792121/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Privileged-eco-toffs-soft-headed-judge-insult-justice.html Old Littlejohn on about these fucking twats(cue the usual 'Daily Mail' chat) Take, for example, 25-year-old Natalie Geraldine Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, a regular on the climate change protest circuit and cousin of actor Ralph. Never mind double-barrelled, shes triple-barrelled. Treble surnames all round! Like the rest of her compadres in crime, she doesnt seem to have done a proper days work in her life. Nat still lives at her parents £2 million pad just off Clapham Common and claims to make a living babysitting. Outrageous last name like. Bet she has a hairy bush Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 i honestly lack any more energy to reply to your anti-choice/anti-abortion posts, @@Clydeside_Sheep. you know my position on this. i know yours. and i'd really like to stray back to the thread topic for a bit. without ending up talking about abortion again if we can. @@looksgoodinred Sorry for the delay replying, I wasn't online last week. I posted those stats because they are directly relevant to the topic, not to start a side debate. We all know I am right wrt abortion - saying different is like King Canute trying to stop the tide coming in. Lives matter, be they black or any other colour. how is it you figure "white privilege" doesn't exist? we may be objectively subject to the same laws, as you've noted, but i think you'd find it less than amusing to be a well-educated, professional African American man and still be followed or harassed while walking down the street minding your own business? Followed or harrassed by whom? The Police? That would be annoying indeed, but if anything it would represent a racist police force, not "white privilege" . Because some cop is racist, doesnt mean I am privileged. Or is it racism? Are not the Police using their experience in some cases (in terms of what demographics are involved in what crimes). Anyway, I am heterosexual white man, I am tired hearing every day about supposed privilege, about supposed racism, supposed sexism, supposed homophobia. I think these things are all exaggerated by those in power, in order to keep ordinary people divided and with a sense of grievance. Getting up early every day to go to work, I dont feel especially privileged, I tell you. Tbh I am sick hearing about other demographics and their largely imaginery problems perhaps it's quite different in the UK, but i suspect maybe just less obvious. I think the UK is different to the US. Its strange to think that people are still alive today, who can remember living in a racially segregated US society. We have not had a racially segregated society and so dont have that hang-over. this is a good paper. i'd suggest reading it Will do. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 I am not denying science. Where have I denied science?You said a pregnancy is not a life. That is a statement at loggerheads with science. A new life is created at the moment of conception, as is scientifically verifiable. Women have to be in control of their own bodies.I totally agree, but that basic principle doesnt hold when there are two lives / bodies involved. Then there is someone else to be considered too. You've never been part of a persecuted minority I beg your pardon? Again, this is not black and white. Gender is different from sex (this is something else I really can't be arsed arguing with you). Frank Maloney is transgender, he is still a male in terms of his physical sex.It is black and white. Our chromosomes determine if we are male and female - biological science - not how we feel.Frank Maloney is mentally ill. "Transgender" is a modern way of saying "mentally ill". Anyway lets get back to the topic in hand. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 Since when do you give a fuck about science? Since always. The real question is where does our society - usually so smug and self regarding when it comes to knowledge - get off ignoring science when it suits. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 given he hasn't responded though, perhaps he's been spending this time pondering how his white male privilege has given him a step up in life that he didn't actually earn? Give us time wummin! Link to comment
looksgoodinred Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 Give us time wummin! i'm a very patient woman, C_S i'm biding my time til you've read the article I posted. Link to comment
BrianFaePerth Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 When we have to arm ourselves for the Muslims v Rest of the World square go I want to stand along side white heterosexual males who know how to dodge a punch and rise up into an uppercut, instantly shattering the jaw. Am I a racist? Of course I am, pretty much all races are, its primal instinct. I saw a video this morning of a bunch of black folk licking the piss flaps of a cow before showering in its urine, straight from the cunny. Ridiculous bunch of characters.You watching Desmond's reruns? Link to comment
buchanskii Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 When we have to arm ourselves for the Muslims v Rest of the World square go I have always thought it will be the Chinese vs Rest of the World square go, have even thought about learning mandarin to try and negotiate a translating gig when they eventually succeed . Link to comment
craegDAMH Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 You said a pregnancy is not a life. That is a statement at loggerheads with science. A new life is created at the moment of conception, as is scientifically verifiable. If "a life" (which is an entirely subjective, semantic description which science does not and can not define) begins at conception, are you aware how many fertilized eggs are naturally aborted? Around 50-80%, so your god / the universe / fate / Allah clearly doesn't agree that aborting an embryo is murder, or is just okay with it. Either way you should lighten up about it. I totally agree, but that basic principle doesnt hold when there are two lives / bodies involved. Then there is someone else to be considered too. So a woman can choose what happens to her body, it's just pregnant women who can't? Great stuff. I beg your pardon? The point _________ Your Head It is black and white. Our chromosomes determine if we are male and female - biological science - not how we feel.Frank Maloney is mentally ill. "Transgender" is a modern way of saying "mentally ill". It's hilarious how you can speak so certainly about something you have no clue about. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 20, 2016 Author Share Posted September 20, 2016 The Frank Maloney/ Transgender point is true. If I went to my doctor saying I was a hedgehog in a mans body would I get an operation to get spines on my back? Would I fuck. Transgender cunts are fucked in the head. Link to comment
looksgoodinred Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 The Frank Maloney/ Transgender point is true. If I went to my doctor saying I was a hedgehog in a mans body would I get an operation to get spines on my back? Would I fuck. Transgender cunts are fucked in the head. how very non-judgmental of you, Manboobs. Link to comment
Poodler Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 When we have to arm ourselves for the Muslims v Rest of the World square go I want to stand along side white heterosexual males who know how to dodge a punch and rise up into an uppercut, instantly shattering the jaw. Am I a racist? Of course I am, pretty much all races are, its primal instinct. I saw a video this morning of a bunch of black folk licking the piss flaps of a cow before showering in its urine, straight from the cunny. Ridiculous bunch of characters.You able to forward that video on? Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 20, 2016 Author Share Posted September 20, 2016 how very non-judgmental of you, Manboobs. They are though. They are unhappy people who need help, not invasive surgery and pumped full of hormones and chemicals. Link to comment
Nelly Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 It is black and white. Our chromosomes determine if we are male and female - biological science - not how we feel.Frank Maloney is mentally ill. "Transgender" is a modern way of saying "mentally ill". Anyway lets get back to the topic in hand. So where does the athlete Caster Semenya fit in to your binary notion of male & female? Is she/he just mentally ill too? Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 20, 2016 Author Share Posted September 20, 2016 So where does the athlete Caster Semenya fit in to your binary notion of male & female? Is she/he just mentally ill too?My understanding is Caster has a fanny and is therefore a bird. The way she's been hounded is rotten. Link to comment
looksgoodinred Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 They are though. They are unhappy people who need help, not invasive surgery and pumped full of hormones and chemicals. i can't speak for someone who's transgendered. and i certainly won't speak for two transgendered people who are among my friends. but i will say i think "unhappy people" is probably the biggest understatement ever. i don't even begin to understand a smidge of what they went through, nor know how it would feel. but i do know that now they've done it, they seem comfortable with themselves, inside their own skins. content. they are still themselves but not. the transformations to their personalities and outlook on life, not just their bodies, are amazing. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 20, 2016 Author Share Posted September 20, 2016 How long for though LGIR? A wee guy from where I stay was a man, had a sex change, then after a few years changed back. He's still clearly mixed up and unhappy and has been failed by the NHS. Let them dress up and that but mutilating them and pumping them full of drugs is cruel. Link to comment
looksgoodinred Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 How long for though LGIR? A wee guy from where I stay was a man, had a sex change, then after a few years changed back. He's still clearly mixed up and unhappy and has been failed by the NHS. Let them dress up and that but mutilating them and pumping them full of drugs is cruel. one has been a woman for at least 15 years now. the other finished her surgeries not many years ago -- maybe about four now? -- she's quite young still (in her mid 30s). Link to comment
Poodler Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 Consider it done.Was not disappointed. Link to comment
The Boofon Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 Was not disappointed.Forward please Link to comment
King Street Loon Posted September 20, 2016 Share Posted September 20, 2016 Forward pleaseAnd if you can forward to me please. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 "a life" (which is an entirely subjective, semantic description which science does not and can not define) If you are unclear as to what we are discussing maybe you should give up! are you aware how many fertilized eggs are naturally aborted? Around 50-80%, so your god / the universe / fate / Allah clearly doesn't agree that aborting an embryo is murder, or is just okay with it. Whataboutery / deflection. Its like saying its Ok to murder people because people die anyway. Either way you should lighten up about it. Disagree. So a woman can choose what happens to her body, it's just pregnant women who can't? Great stuff. Your previous analysis was invalid because it did not acknowledge there were two people /bodies involved. The point _________ Your Head I was actually making a joke there, which you didn't get. No matter. It's hilarious how you can speak so certainly about something you have no clue about. I speak with certainty because its a scientific fact that human females have XX Chromosomes and males XY. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 So where does the athlete Caster Semenya fit in to your binary notion of male & female? Is she/he just mentally ill too?Its not "my" binary notion, its reality. Yes, sometimes we find a curiosity like Caster Semenya, but that doesn't mean there is a 3rd gender or whatever. (In less sophisticated times, she would have been called a 'freak of nature' - I am sure we can come up with a kinder term today) Something in Casters early development has gone awry. I dont know too much about her, but I understand she has female genitalia, but also an undescended set of testicles. If you want to settle it, look at what chromosomes she has. Sometimes you get chromosome disorders, but in the main its either xx (female) or xy (male). Most "transgender" people are not like caster, with elements of male/female genitalia, or a chromosome disorder, but are rather male or female persons suffering a mental illness, who believe they are something they are not. The name of their mental illness is "gender dysphoria". Gender dysphoria is the kind term used where a person "feels" different to their biological sex. But biological sex is a tangible reality, and you cant disagree with reality. Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-transgender-mental-disorder-sex-change Link to comment
Bluto10 Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 Take, for example, 25-year-old Natalie Geraldine Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, a regular on the climate change protest circuit and cousin of actor Ralph. Never mind double-barrelled, shes triple-barrelled.Treble surnames all round!Like the rest of her compadres in crime, she doesnt seem to have done a proper days work in her life. Nat still lives at her parents £2 million pad just off Clapham Common and claims to make a living babysitting. Outrageous last name like. Bet she has a hairy bushI think folk like that are ace; mostly for comedy value in the same way I like the way we have minks in society. Lucky for her she is minted, fair play to the family. Someone doneehere in her family has had to work very hard to provide that life for her and the like.Nothin wrong with that Link to comment
Bluto10 Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 i can't speak for someone who's transgendered. and i certainly won't speak for two transgendered people who are among my friends. but i will say i think "unhappy people" is probably the biggest understatement ever. i don't even begin to understand a smidge of what they went through, nor know how it would feel. but i do know that now they've done it, they seem comfortable with themselves, inside their own skins. content. they are still themselves but not. the transformations to their personalities and outlook on life, not just their bodies, are amazing. You have two TG mates and are from NA.I have zero and live in EU. Is TGism a result of Nature or nurture. Every second cunt in the US has 'issues' and weekly shrink meetings ; a culture that doesn't exist everywhere else Link to comment
Bluto10 Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 either way I feel sorry for anyone who feels the need to live on the margins due to their sexuality/mental healthLife must be very difficult ; not least because of other people's behaviour 1 Link to comment
Nelly Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-transgender-mental-disorder-sex-change We've come a long way since the 1970s Link to comment
tup Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 I agree with CS. If you want a sex change, you are mentally disturbed. Link to comment
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