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12 hours ago, Ke1t said:

Time in bunker is about 2 weeks, by which time background radiation is massively reduced. 

After 3 months most of the radioactive dust in the atmosphere should be dissipated, at which point you can be out and about and rocking your self-sufficiency skills. 

No nuclear winter to worry about either... there won't be one. 

People still think a nuclear exchange will be like it would have been in the Cold War... it won't. 

Totally survivable if you have a reasonably isolated place to ride it out. 

I do quite like the sound of a Fud-Tour of darkest Asia, though... 


Hope that bunker you're pretending to build is more robust than that wall you put up in your backie. Jesus Christ. 

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5 minutes ago, RedArmyFakshun said:

Putin has at least fifty silos each holding a "Satan 2" RS-28 Sarmat missile, 8 megatons.

Are you suggesting he would not have time to fire the big guns, or would choose not to ?

Number of missiles in inventories is massively reduced, and yields are massively reduced.

Sagan's Nuclear Winter scenario was based upon Cold War stockpiles, and even he later renounced the idea.

The typical yield wont generate anywhere near enough power to eject the requisite material into the upper atmosphere.

I'd also be leery of accepting claims made on the Russian stockpile.

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Fuck it, I'm going. Will ask the boss on Monday for a couple weeks off, got to be a better laugh than Maga. Will post updates if I can. Hearing a grand a day for mercenaries, double if they invade. 

What else are you gonna do with your life? Sit in your fuckin' armchair wankin' off to Pop Idols? Then try and avoid your wife's gaze as you struggle to come to terms with your sexless marriage? Then go and spunk your wages on kebabs, fruit machines and brasses? Fuck that for a laugh! I know what I'd rather do. Ukraine away, love it!

  • Haha 5
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41 minutes ago, Sooper-hanz said:

Fridge's mate going ss ss ss puh puh puh.., tap aff. 

One would hope he's no longer Fridges friend, a bully who picks drunk small guys to beat up was truly shown up for what he is.

Disgusting man who deserves nothing but contempt. McAllister is little better, gypo mink, total bully. 

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On 2/18/2022 at 7:41 PM, Ke1t said:

You live in a city with a deep water port, that would certainly be used to service NATO warships in the event of a conflict. There's a good sized airport that would be utilised for air patrols and sorties into the North Sea. A heliport that's one of the most active in Europe, and an agricultural and industrial infrastructure that could be used to supply food and material to any prolonged war in Europe. You also are the base of operations for servicing the oil and gas industry, which would be a prime target if someone wanted to cripple O&G production critical to the war effort. 

I'm thinking it would be worth the effort to drop at least a ~500 kiloton warhead somewhere near the Castlegate.

It's the only way to be sure. 



Kelt..go and post up the excellent ?"Protect and Survive "..Public information films..from the 80s ?..narrated by the cunt from Barratt adverts, fan hes in a helicopter ?....Patrick??

A fucking hoot they are.?.......


"Some cunt dies in yer hoose we radiation...tie a label roon the tae..and lob him outside ".....??

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19 hours ago, Ke1t said:

You're talking to the guy who tried warning this very board that we were headed for a major shitshow way back in the days before the WHO declared a pandemic.  Even before Trump came out with his, "Ach, it's only 15 cases, and it'll be zero soon enough." 

"Yer fuull o shite" I was told. 

I'm like Cassandra, only better


At shagging Rodney?

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16 minutes ago, Grays Babylon 1875 said:

This is brilliant. 

Peak hattery. 


There's a reason I've not been on here of late. Brown babies. Just couldn't take it any longer, was never a thing in my day, something had to be done before they take over, there's just too many manc and scouse drug dealers in Aberdeen spreading the seed. I think it's sorted now, I pray it is anyway.

  • Haha 1
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4 hours ago, daytripping said:

Fuck it, I'm going. Will ask the boss on Monday for a couple weeks off, got to be a better laugh than Maga. Will post updates if I can. Hearing a grand a day for mercenaries, double if they inva

Good to read that you are still alive.

That aside, what if your boss says no to your holiday request?

  • Haha 1
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2 hours ago, daytripping said:

There's a reason I've not been on here of late. Brown babies. Just couldn't take it any longer, was never a thing in my day, something had to be done before they take over, there's just too many manc and scouse drug dealers in Aberdeen spreading the seed. I think it's sorted now, I pray it is anyway.

Welcome back bro..?....good to see...?

I'll bell/msg you thru the week??

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