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Signs of ageing


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Glad I’m not alone in having toppled over the summit and on the descent downhill in life. Metabolism has served me well up to now but it’s losing the battle these days.

Used to cut about in t-shirts until the mercury was in the low single digits but layered up to fuck nowadays.

Agree about the involuntary noises when having to reach below waist level.

Can’t stomach the lager like I used to, best avoided these days. Certainly not in any great volume. Quality over quantity or it’s a long haul hangover and feeling like shite for hours. Not much fun, especially with 3 bairns and an unsympathetic wife that wont allow you the peace to recover.

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22 hours ago, Parklife said:

When I'm 58 I'll gladly fuck a 28 year old who just wants my money. 

I thought that too. Even though I have lost a bunch of weight and going to the gym daily. No way i could keep up..no matter how much of the wee blue pill.

Still it was very good. WE still talk but she has another old fucker with some REAL money. So she got her Gucci handbag. Proud as shit over that.


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22 hours ago, Oregon Red said:

58 now. Viagra is essential.  But even then its sad.

Hooked up with this fucked up chick. 28. Damn near killed me. It was all about money. She thought i had a bunch.

It was embarrassing, though i can't stand women my own age. I can't take 28 year olds. Guess i am fucked


2 minutes ago, Oregon Red said:

Can't do it.  But dating a 40 year old now that's not too bad.  Most wifies in their 50s are boring as fuck and just want to get married fast before they or I die.


Your life reads like a Charles Bukowski novel.

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40 minutes ago, Parklife said:

Another swing and a miss, wee man.

You'll need to grow a bit from a 5 foot 6" wee laddie with ADHD if you want to take swings at the big dog. 

Ach enough of this foolish bravado parky, you chose your life and career over the sesh. You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? Vis a vie

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