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What thing did you start to notice, and now you can’t stop noticing it.

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4 minutes ago, sigh said:

what are the pavements and parks like over in Luanda? Surprised they are covered in dog turds

It is pretty manky over here on the pavements and in the parks for dog shite.

When you see an owner allow its dog to have a dump on the pavement or in the park, I tend not to say anything as it is generally a Rhodesian Ridgeback they are walking. 

Best left alone at these times.👍


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When a group of people are brought together and made to suffer deliberate hardship

They then form a strong bond, and when further manipulated by being repeatedly told they are under attack, then they will readily commit murder to protect the group

Individuals can be manipulated in this way in identification with a group that doesnt even exist

And groups can be manipulated to imagine hardships that are illusory

This principle scales up to nation state which results in.... genocide without guilt


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18 hours ago, maryhilldon said:

You're surprised Africans don't pick up their dogs shit?

Africans in general are shit scared of dogs and only a tiny percentage of the population own them. 

Strays are usually rounded up pretty sharp and taken to the final sunset which is probably a heavy club to the skull.

If you step in shit on the pavement...... assume it's human.

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1 hour ago, cheesepipes said:

Africans in general are shit scared of dogs and only a tiny percentage of the population own them. 

Strays are usually rounded up pretty sharp and taken to the final sunset which is probably a heavy club to the skull.

If you step in shit on the pavement...... assume it's human.

Eh didn’t appreciate your text to poodles

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Getting that way myself. Seems a bit pointless now. Never win anything, never in real danger of relegation, never battling for promotion, just floating around between 3rd and 8th forever. zzzzz. Don't know if I'd pay much attention if I didn't catch up with the boy to watch the Dons or didn't like a bet.

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