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tightbreeks last won the day on June 16 2018

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  1. Nicky fuckin devlin, where do you start with him. Reminds of another Nicky, nicky walker, every goal against is/was directly related to him.
  2. The lads are just making it interesting for us.
  3. Willie spazzed out when the buddies scored. Calm it bill.
  4. Neil "it's going to be fun" warnock. Better get working, 75 year old man.
  5. Lawrence shankland smells of biscuits and piss.
  6. Does the gonger one just know how to play on the counter. When it comes to actually playing against teams that are supposedly shitter than us, he hasn't a clue on how to beat them. Getting papped 3 nil at home to shite is piss poor.
  7. Love girls in sportswear. I am a fan of the bbc coverage of women's football. Tight shorts with rolled up waistbands ahoy! That top was a bobbly bugger, not a bad team that wore it. Aberdeen galacticos.
  8. They can fuck off to the new euro super league right now if they start that kind of nonce shite.
  9. 25% sell on fee for us. Add ons, give us a player as well as part of the sale.
  10. Bo can score with his napper, right and left peg. He's fast. 7.5 million, plus sell on cash as well. Deal.
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