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daytripping last won the day on March 25 2023

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About daytripping

  • Birthday 10/17/1968

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  1. I don't live alone, have my daughter with me, thanks for your concern though.
  2. 911 was the best viewing ever, was glued to the screen, can't beat a well planned terrorist act when it comes to evening viewing.
  3. This place is full of left wing wanks these days, has mad shut?
  4. Hopefully the terrorists have a pop at the Olympics, make it a bit more worth watching.
  5. I'm generally quite healthy midweek but had a cheese and ham toastie tonight followed by beers and whatever I liked on tv, I only had me to think of. Was always the cook of the house, still am. I can do crazy stuff like toasties and beer without a raised eyebrow. Enjoy your cocoa edwin.
  6. Anyone still single, quite the topic header. Suggesting those single are on a struggle, oh, you STILL single, lol What a load of bollocks, women are great but for me not full time, that's too much, took me a long time to realise. I like quiet.
  7. Lovely tits, blonde, thin, good looking. No.
  8. You honestly think The Falklands especially is every going to vote against Great Britain. 😂🤣🤣😅
  9. I'm still friends with the ex, just couldn't live with her. Went on holiday with her not long ago, got on great.
  10. Lived with a right nagging cow for 20 years, would never contemplate living with anyone else again, daughter aside, till she leaves then no returning. Separate places only. Love my own space, doing what I like when I want to without listening to some bird tell me her work problems, I don't even care about my work let alone hers. It's fucking brilliant, never been happier.
  11. We're British, end of story. The majority want to remain British. I love my Country. Great Britain.
  12. I like having a job.
  13. It's exactly what todays youth need. New starts at my work are a fucking shambles, not real men.
  14. Vote Conservative in 5 years when it turns to shit. It's not even a prediction, it will happen. They'll pick up the pieces and try and rebuild, just like last time, and the time before. Remember the note....there is no money.
  15. She is correct, there was no democracy with the fucking bus gates and Ulez rules coming in, makes it impossible for some to get to the City centre. I don't even know who's idea it was but know it will destroy trade and our centre. If it went to a referendum both would never have happened, who decided we needed this.
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