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manboobs109 last won the day on November 24 2023

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  1. I'll be able to give you first hand analysis of the effects of this as I am a Presiding Officer in the forthcoming election. I'll be the poor cunt having to turn people away. My first instinct is that it will mostly be oldies getting turned away but I may be proved wrong.
  2. Aye he loves a bit of that does Nigel. Lefties refusing to listen to reasoned debate that they don't agree with. A few more of them and he might just get an MP
  3. He was also an MEP for a good while.
  4. You appear to have read a lot about him.
  5. No one is "entitled" to publicity it just happens. Nigel sells papers and generates clicks, that's all the media care about.
  6. I forgot you are an antisemite, thanks for the reminder.
  7. How can you possibly know the motivation behind the isreali pm? Having the responsibility of being in charge of a permanently besieged nation must take its toll and influence decisions. The idea that isreal should just accept terrorist attacks and not respond is mental.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/c0m2wr69355t Leicester sounds great. All those cultures blending together in harmony.
  9. I get what you are saying, I really do but we are arguing different points really. You are all about the money, I get that, I am talking about towns, cities that are being completely changed by immigration. It's good for the immigrants, good for the GDP, but shit for the people who already lived there. If they speak out they are "bigots" or worse so they shut up, sell up and move out. I doubt you've spent much time in England but I've seen it change a lot in my lifetime and not for the better. It's coming to Scotland.
  10. You misunderstood me. We have 800k legal immigrants arriving here per year. If only 73% are working that's about 200k living in a council house claiming benefits or living in a hotel. Every year. And 100% of the ones here illegally aren't allowed to work therefore must be living off the state.
  11. So even the 1 in 4 of the cunts living here legally, of working age, are sitting about scratching their arse? Full benefits and a council house as well(I doubt they are buying) when you are talking 200k a year that's a fair burden. Add to that 100% of the cunts here illegally.
  12. Surely the UK total includes the disabled, retired etc. We're not letting people who are disabled or retired move here?
  13. I'm not convinced lower population growth is a bad thing though.
  14. Never a truer word spoken. This idea they do all the "jobs white people don't want to do" is pish
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