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Millertime last won the day on June 4

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About Millertime

  • Birthday 07/02/1984

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  1. Yeah, not for you But for the guy I replied to it clearly is
  2. That doesn't make sense We did very, very well out of the deal for his brother Just another example of an Aberdeen fan letting their inferiority complex re "rangers" cloud their judgement to their own detriment
  3. I'd love to see highlights even, surely they're somewhere?
  4. Haha wee bursts like this are truly gold Really good fun
  5. So you won't be saying this again then? I'll be watching, as @GDON21 and @G31DON will attest
  6. What you are clearly showing is that your bait is bad enough, but your substance is even worse You're like a dog chasing a bus - when it actually catches it it has no idea what to do with it You should be better than this by now, a LOT better It's league 2 stuff, it really is You've finally gotten the spotlight you've craved for years, as I shone it onto you but you've absolutely froze Real shame as you don't get these opportunities very often in life Shame, 2/10
  7. Love watching the old players! Jess and Lee Miller on the same park Haha Jess looking utterly forlorn as he has mackie making runs ahead of him
  8. You'll note my complete and utter lack of surprise that you know the distinction between minecraft and dark souls All the same to me - kids keech
  9. Just watched his icons episode He was pretty fast! The pace for his only scotland goal - bizarre
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