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Auld Chat?


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Fars the battistuta thread? Fars the Stuff thread? Fars the chicken thread?Fars the Jeff Riley threads? Fars the radges? Fars the cliques? Fars the Ghost of Jingles? Fars Cooney? Fars Horacia? Fars Conkers? Fars the Westhill Inn with Tara Parker Tonka Toy and Prince behind the bar and SteveW on the door? Why is there nae a MTBB section? Why are threads already being deleted (probably this een will be awa soon in a)? That just names a few things.................apart fae why in feck is their secrecy about who set this board up?


Its jist another donstalk from what i can see.


Kind Regards


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NicNac ,


This is the Pub Forum.....is it not?


I don't know about you but I've been in a fair few pubs in my life , many of them having been characterised by the greater or lesser amount of nonsense discussed.


If this new site is to be a success , I would slacked aff a bit , there are not enough 'purists' about who would wish for a site devoid of the relief that nonsense can bring.


I wish you well , of course , any site supporting our reason for living is to be welcomed but you must have noticed that some of the most knowledgable and articulate supporters are also the ones that despise 'censorship' the most.


We need a forum that disciplines itself without being hogtied by the moral/judgemental values of others.


Sumbdy'll hae tae dae it.


If only




didnae need a password!

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as usual you are talking a lot of nonsense while making perfect sense, if you know what I mean.


The problem, if there is one, with certain other sites is that unless you are in the immediate circle of friends who run it then you are on a hiding to nothing.


I have had personal IMs threatening me from members of a partucilar forum, including one who was keen to come to my house and show me how often he worked out, because I dared to critice something about the site.


On another occasion I got an hilarious IM from some pimply faced youth after I had posted something about one of their more hallowed members, albeit it was someone I had know for longer than the author of the IM had been on this great planet.


The danger with nonsense threads, and there are plenty in The Privvy, is that unless you know what they are about then they become a closed shop. I like The Privvy, but I think that it's exclusivity makes it very quiet at times and while I understand the need to keep the dross out it does make it a bit boring at times.


I hope that this site settles down and becomes a place for sensible discussion between well informed fans, but I also hope there is a section where we can all go wibble now and again.



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Yes POTN , but most of us are quite capable of putting this down for ourselves.

It does not need to be monitored or edited on our behalf.

Lame brains can be good sport.....and may be on the way to becoming more developed , one hopes. Some of these guys are prepubescent and , as such , deserve our indulgence. After all they are probably going to grow up to become good AFC Supporters.

We are seldom born 'mature' , y'ken?

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The problem, if there is one, with certain other sites is that unless you are in the immediate circle of friends who run it then you are on a hiding to nothing.


Certainly not the case with DT, Reekie is in New Zealand, and anyone I'm friendly with hates posting on the site.


The good thing about the banter on the old AFC Chat was that it was by and large, self-policing, sure there were people behind the scenes who removed overly abusive posts, etc, but if someone was being a tit, they were told to shut up, and most of them took the hint.


AFC Chat was seen by most to be somewhere to go to have a laugh with some familiar faces they'd, in most cases, never seen. If you can recreate that atmosphere, you're onto a winner, if not, you'll push the good people away and you'll be left with a website full of cretins going on about care factors or arguing whose supporter's club is better, and believe me, for your own sanity, you don't want that.

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Yes POTN , but most of us are quite capable of putting this down for ourselves.

It does not need to be monitored or edited on our behalf.

Lame brains can be good sport.....and may be on the way to becoming more developed , one hopes. Some of these guys are prepubescent and , as such , deserve our indulgence. After all they are probably going to grow up to become good AFC Supporters.

We are seldom born 'mature' , y'ken?



I think that is part of the problem Mr P.


We tend to think that folk we are talking to are our peers, if we don't know who they are, because we are all discussing the same thing.


Now and again you have to realise that in fact you probably are reading the rantings of some 10 year old.


I mean, I didn't realise Fittie was a 17 year old girl till I met her at the harbour one night!!

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Aye JW , there always will be guys who get a hard on by threatening others with physical violence. They are usually accompanied/egged on by one or two others with similar lusts.

Nine times out of ten it's sabre rattling but on occasion turns out to be serious.

But then there is as much risk involved when we enter any given pub. It's an ever present. Scuffles have even broken out in churches!

And much worse if your female.....or a vertically challenged individual.


Zero tolerance!


Don't let the bastards get us down.


Freedom.....brithers and sisters!

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