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BrianFaePerth last won the day on October 31 2023

BrianFaePerth had the most liked content!

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  1. Just the usual, 30 and sun #EarlySpringVibes
  2. Yet they go hiking across the highlands. They’re scum MAD
  3. Could be worse. You could have an imaginary illness MAD
  4. Eh doubt she hangs out around hotel bars in Cairo or Muscat tbf
  5. He just wants a hunky lifeguard to save him
  6. Aye a lot have gone to spec savers. Thankfully most live south of the river near poodles and SOTR unlike my good self. it’s a bizarre sight, it’s 40 degrees and us true blue Aussies are cutting about in boardies and thongs and them with their rice paddy field hats, they balaclavas that cover the neck, and gloves.
  7. Getting rid of 11M diverses would definitely help inflation
  8. Castlemaine XXXX like fosters, no cunt has ever heard of it here
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