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Roberto last won the day on August 6

Roberto had the most liked content!

About Roberto

  • Birthday April 29

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  1. Humble brags flowing. Love this time of year.
  2. Wondered who'd be first. But na genuinely knew singer Terry was from Pitmedden but didn't realise it was the real een posting here. Wild. Anyways gies a song Terry.
  3. Since sleeping is over rated... awake now and a coffee. 10am the festive haircut and beard trim. 3pm pub for the scores and coupon. Evening watch the boxing at pals.
  4. Genuinely haven't watched any of this thus far. I will start the viewing in-between Christmas and NY, when shit gets real.
  5. Learn something new every day. Terry McDermott is the real Terry McDermott. Fair enough.
  6. But yet here you are wanting to share your view anyway.
  7. You created the laughs with your constant bull shit as well. You brought it on yourself.
  8. I think the joke may have gone well above you.
  9. That'll be a few season ticket waiting list members dropping off.
  10. Folk who deem it necessary to tell you about every run every day through their socials. And I mean every day. Aye you run... on a treadmill, well done.
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