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not a big fan of the premiership but decided to watch the mersey derby instead of the scum firm on saturday.


how in the hell is Mark Clattenberg a referee.


Kuyt should never been on the park, carragher is a moaning faced little tink and that first penalty should never have been.


Gerrard clearly grabbed Hibbert's shirt first and they both fell together and then Gerrard told the ref he had to go and he put the yellow card away and gave a red instead.


Moyes looked like he was ready to kill during his interview.

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Guest LondonScottish
not a big fan of the premiership but decided to watch the mersey derby instead of the scum firm on saturday.


how in the hell is Mark Clattenberg a referee.


Kuyt should never been on the park, carragher is a moaning faced little tink and that first penalty should never have been.


Gerrard clearly grabbed Hibbert's shirt first and they both fell together and then Gerrard told the ref he had to go and he put the yellow card away and gave a red instead.


Moyes looked like he was ready to kill during his interview.



Some real shockers there. How Kuyt got away with that kung-fu tackle, and how Everton didn't get a final minute penalty is unbelievable.


However the Gerrard incident looked like a penalty from the referees view, and was the defender not last man?? Red card it had to be.

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3 points is 3 points, I couldn't care if Moyes was ready to commit suicide, Liverpool came away with the victory.


It was hard to tell if it was inside or outside the box that incident took place for the first penalty........can't blame the ref for that one, linesman should have helped him out. :P.


No complaints today at all.


Well played referee.

Inside/outside you can see the mistake but Gerrard dived pure and simple. Gerrard stuck his leg across Hibbert and dived with arms up in the air. If wasn't English there would be an uproar!!

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Watch again.........Hibbert quite clearly had a hold of his shirt, and was pulling away.


Theres only one DIRK KUYT!!!!!

And Gerrard has hold of his. Quite how this makes Gerrard's feet come across Hibbert and then mysteriously miss the ground whilst Gerrard's arms fly up in air is beyond me.

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Hmmm well i can see WHY the ref gave the first pen, but it certainly seemed the Gerrard "told" the ref to send hibbert off


Kuyt's challenge was disgraceful - why did he not get a red card for that ? Seems the ref maybe was playing favorites


How on earth did Everton not get that pen in the last min ? another poor decision that favored Liverpool


Also Rafa's subbing of Gerrard was odd - too much passion ? in a derby ? tied at 1-1 ? really could have bitten him on the arse.


I think regardless of how much money Liverpool spend they will never win the title under Benitez

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Hmmm well i can see WHY the ref gave the first pen, but it certainly seemed the Gerrard "told" the ref to send hibbert off


Kuyt's challenge was disgraceful - why did he not get a red card for that ? Seems the ref maybe was playing favorites


How on earth did Everton not get that pen in the last min ? another poor decision that favored Liverpool


Also Rafa's subbing of Gerrard was odd - too much passion ? in a derby ? tied at 1-1 ? really could have bitten him on the arse.


I think regardless of how much money Liverpool spend they will never win the title under Benitez



Benitez is also a c**k.


he claimed Lescott ddived for the penalty claim in injury time.


Robo nice to see taking an impartial view on matters :thumbup1:

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I'm not concerned by it at all. Look at the penalty that was given against Liverpool versus Chelsea, we dropped points that day due to that decision.


Things even themselves out over the season.................

From Saturday alone i fully expect the "rub of the green" to haunt Liverpool quite a bit this season to even things up.

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